The secret of Manchester City star Erling Haaland’s performance surprised everyone!

Important details about the star name Erling Haaland, who managed to impress football fans with the goals he scored this season, continue to come.
The football player attracted attention with his latest statements. Speaking to the British newspaper The Sun, the actor emphasized that the biggest factor in his success was his diet.

Haaland, who follows a special diet that takes 6000 calories a day, says, “People say that eating meat is a bad thing, but what meat are we talking about? If I want to eat meat, I prefer to eat meat directly such as heart or liver, rather than in fast food restaurants. Thus, B vitamins, iron, phosphorus, etc. I can take the food directly,” he said.

In an interview in which he told what he had done to improve his performance in the previous times, Yıldız said that he consumed plenty of filtered water and exposed his body to sunlight as soon as he got up in the morning. The 22-year-old young talent received great applause by producing 20 goals and 3 assists in 13 matches this season.
