The second season of ‘Het Hoge Noorden’ with Annemie Struyf can be seen on television this month | TV

Fans of the program don’t have to wait too long anymore. “From December 27, you can enjoy the great Norwegian natural beauty on One for nine weeks, but also the intense, intense, heartwarming adventures of people from here with a big Norwegian dream. Stories between snow and ice, fjords and waterfalls, Vikings and husky dogs. So happy to be able to share it with you soon.”

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In January of this year it became known that Annemie Struyf was working on a second season of ‘Het Hoge Noorden’. Even then, the television face announced the news on social media. “Arrived at night in the Norwegian interior. So good news: a second series of ‘Het Hoge Noorden’ is in the making”, it sounded on Instagram at the time. In the program, Annemie tells the story of Belgians who have emigrated to the north, and everything that entails.
