The schools of Catalonia will finally classify the suspense as not assolit

In the midst of a chain of strikes by Catalan teachers, the Ministry of Education has corrected the evaluation systemone of the most controversial issues of the new educational curriculum. The project of the department that he directs Josep Gonzalez-Cambray intended to vary the denomination of suspense in ESO. wanted to name them “in process d’assoliment” but finally the current one will be maintained, “no assolit”.

The Generalitat has changed its criteria after receiving contributions from educational centers to its first proposal, which pointed out that it was “more informative” for families.

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The rectification was communicated this Friday by the Secretary for Educational Transformation, Núria Mora, and the Director General for Innovation, Research and Digital Culture, Joan Cuevas, at a press conference to present the new educational curricula.

In addition, the institutes will have 420 hours of autonomous management –four per week when in the initial proposal there were six–, with which the hours dedicated to natural sciences, plastic arts, music, social sciences and technology will increase and decrease for Catalan and Spanish.
