The savings card arrives from July: the requirements to obtain it

THEThe new bonus introduced by the Government for 2023 is called “savings card” and can be used for purchase basic foodstuffs in all shops participating in the initiative.

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Savings card: the new bonus for families

The amount of the card is approximately 380 euros and to access the economic aid, it will not be necessary to apply because the Municipalities will take care of communicating to the citizens the receipt of the bonus. At that point it will be enough go to a Poste Italiane office to collect the prepaid card.

It starts in July

There start date has been set for July and will be addressed to all those who present an Isee up to 15 thousand euros. For the measure, the government has allocated around 500 million euros which will be paid in part to the Municipalities based on the resident population, and in part will be given on the basis of the ratio between the national average per capita income and that of the Municipality itself.

A new bonus for families to go shopping (Photo by Sven Hoppe/picture alliance via Getty Images)

Requirements to receive the bonus

In order to receive the savings card, however, there is not only the idea to be respected, there are other requirements to be met.

Among these, the registration of all members of the family nucleus in the Registry of the resident population, not receive the Citizenship Income or other inclusion measures or support for povertysuch as NASPI or DISCOLL unemployment or any form of wage integration.

The priority of assignment

1,300,000 e-cards will be distributed priority will be given also in this case according to some specific criteria.

In fact, the savings card will be the first to receive families made up of at least three people of which at least one born within 31 December 2009.

Then families made up of no less than three people, at least one of whom was born on or before 31 December 2005, and finally families made up of no less than three people. Also the family with the lowest ISEE receives a priority place.

Savings card: one-off measure

If funds remain, these will also be distributed to households made up of less than 3 people.

The “spending savings card” is not a structural measure, but a one-off. It is nominative and in order not to lose the amount to which they are entitled, the beneficiaries must make at least one payment by the deadline of September 15th.

