The Salvation Army launches the glossy Majoor

The Salvation Army has created the one-off glossy magazine, titled Majoor. It is a magazine about the life and work of Major Bosshardt and the art of doing good. De Majoor focuses on the stories of people who make a difference in Dutch society by caring for others.

The glossy has a circulation of 26,000 copies. During the weekend of October 6, the Majoor will be distributed at more than 1,500 kiosks and shops. From Thursday, October 12, all supermarkets will be added. The magazine costs €8.95.
De Majoor is an initiative of the Salvation Army and has the motto: Living together is not something you do alone. At a time when society is becoming increasingly polarized and loneliness is increasing, the Salvation Army hopes to connect and inspire people with this magazine.


The Major contains a mix of stories about Major Bosshardt, her history and memory and stories in the present. The magazine contains portraits and initiatives of people who do something good in their area or have started something on their own initiative for the benefit of others, such as a fund raiser, a food pantry or taking someone into their home. What they do is ‘major’, a new verb introduced in the magazine. Majoring is selflessly doing something good for someone else. The stories should encourage readers to do something similar in their environment.

Choice of print

When asked why The Salvation Army chooses a magazine, Willemijn de Jong, communications officer, answers the following: “A glossy is something that lasts longer. It remains on the coffee table. Of course we also do online campaigns, but we think inspiring and telling our story in a non-volatile way is appropriate for a magazine. Furthermore, the glossy has deliberately been made as timeless as possible, because we also want to be able to sell the magazine for a while in the museum shop of the Majoor Bosshardthuis in Amsterdam.”

De Majoor appears alongside the regular magazine of The Salvation Army, called Solace. Soelaas was launched in 2021 to replace the Battle Cry.
