The sailing season has started on the Noorderplas, but what were the rules again?

The Easter weekend is the official start of the sailing season in Dijk and Worth. Due to the greater navigability, it is starting to get crowded on the water. To prevent nuisance, it is important that everyone properly adheres to the rules on the water. A new rule has also been created: the boat registration.

There are a few new rules on the water – NH Nieuws

The lock in Broek op Langedijk will be open again this weekend and with it the access to the water. The Kingdom of the Thousand Islands is a popular area for water recreationists. There is sailing, swimming, canoeing and supping. And it is getting busier on the water. “Because the sailing area is becoming more extensive, and more people have money for a boat,” says Rob Vroegop of Langedijk Waterrijk.


Because more and more residents in the municipality of Dijk en Waard have berths on the navigable waters of the Kingdom of the Thousand Islands, the amount of boats on the water is also increasing. This results in nuisance for residents and dangerous situations in the ditches. “Everything stands or falls with communicating to each other and sticking to the rules,” said Vroegop.

“If everyone just sticks to the rules, then nothing will happen”

Rob early on, Langedijk water rich

The city council has therefore decided that all boats in this area must be registered. “That way we can better find out who is causing the nuisance”, Ilse Tienstra of the police explains. “And that is necessary, we have been experiencing nuisance here in the area for years.”

The boat registration is not the only new rule. It is also not allowed to sail between eleven o’clock in the evening and seven o’clock in the morning. And it is also forbidden for young people under the age of twelve to sail with a motorboat.

Vroegop is happy with the new rules and hopes that they will also be enforced. “And if everyone just sticks to the rules, then nothing is wrong.”

– The maximum sailing speed is 6 km/h. Only on the Alkmaar-Kolhorn canal you can go faster, namely 9 km/h.
– You may only drive a motorboat that can go faster than 20 km/h if you are older than 18 and have a boating license.
– Children between 12 and 16 years old are only allowed to drive a motorboat that cannot go faster than 13 km/h. Children under the age of 12 are therefore not allowed to drive a motorboat at all.
– Sailing with a mechanically (or electrically) powered boat in Oosterdel is not allowed. Rowing, surfing and canoeing are allowed.
– You are not allowed to drink excessive alcohol on the water.

Municipality of Dijk and Waard

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