the sadistic scrap dealer who was merciless with his victims

04/23/2023 at 07:00


Miguel Escudero stabbed, ran over and mutilated a resident of Barbastro (Huesca) in 1988. When he was released from prison, he cut open another woman in Lleida and cut off her breast. In two years, he will be released

Miguel Escudero Carbonell was born in Salas Altas (Huesca) 65 years ago, although he ended up living in a cave in Barbastro with his wife, with whom he had three children and worked in scrap metal. Nicknamed ‘El Indio’ for his physical featureshis criminal history is divided between his native Huesca and Lérida, but in both places It showed a movie sadism. His victims were always women and he always cut them open. For the first murder he finished first in a psychiatric facility and for the second in prison, after being sentenced to 20 years. Within two his sorrow will be extinguished.

He had a history of sexual assault, but His first blood crime was committed on a cold January afternoon in 1988. Unfortunately for Elvira Visper41 years old, fate crossed them on the road where the woman appeared mutilated. He had gone to accompany one of his sons to the soccer field in his town.

He stabbed her with an ax

That day 8, ‘El Indio’ was driving his Simca 1,200 along a road in Barbastro when he saw the woman near the dump where he was collecting some remains. He quickly recognized her for being the neighbor who had reported him to the Local Police for throwing knives into the Vero River or sticking them into trees. He approached her and first stabbed her with a razor repeatedly and repeatedly, according to forensics at the time. Then, he stripped this mother of three children naked and, armed with an ax that he carried on top of her, he split her open.

His thirst for sadism was such that he decided to run her over several times before leaving on board his vehicle. All before the eyes of two retirees who were walking through the area and who, with disbelief, observed the scene after being alarmed by the victim’s first cries for help. These, who admitted to being afraid when they looked at each other, were decisive in pointing out the criminal as responsible for the murder.

The Civil Guard investigation determined that once such a savage act was committed he made his life as if it were not the thing with him, arriving to pick up his pregnant wife to whom he did not tell anything. There he abandoned the vehicle, taking a taxi that took him to Monzón and from that town in Huesca he decided to take the train to Lérida. It was in this city that he ended up being arrested. “She was killed by a double of mine”

He gave up to five statements throughout the investigation, highlighting three in his own handwriting for being in which He confessed what he did. However, in one of them he came to speak that it had been a double of his and in another that another man from his car threatened him with a weapon, inducing him to murder and promising him 200,000 of the old pesetas in exchange.

During the trial held at the Provincial Court of Huesca, forensic psychiatrists pointed out that ‘El Indio’ was extremely dangerous due to the mistrust he has about his environment. The sentence was 22 years in prison, although he was lucky that they were reduced to 15 with the reform of the Penal Code of 1996.

Initially, the prosecutor Pilar Avellanas had requested 28 years, eight months and one day of punishment, although the magistrates they applied a semi-defense for mental alienation understanding that the epilepsy he suffered affected him when he committed the crime, as well as his drug use. The ruling set the sentence to be served in a psychiatric hospital but he asked the Supreme Court to go to a prison and it was granted. He was interned in one of León.

Maria, ‘the Portuguese’

In his case there was no reinsertion. Three months later he killed again, repeating the same modus operandi. It was August 13, 2003. Maria Augusta Fanadoa thirty-something woman who moved in circles of drug addicts and street prostitution environments in Lérida, who was known as ‘María, la Portuguesa’, it was his second victim.

El Indio, in the trial for mutilating ‘María la Portugesa’ |

His Corpse found in an advanced state of decomposition in an abandoned house at number 7 Parc de Lleida street. The smell that came from one of the floors, which was locked tight (with a key and an iron bar to avoid breaking down the door), was what led some neighbors to call the Mossos d’Esquadra.

he sectioned her chest

They entered through a window and, among a mountain of debris, they saw an arm sticking out. Approaching and lifting a mattress that had the corpse on it They found a body cut open in a channel that had completely severed the right breast. At that time they did not know if she was a woman or a man.

Investigators believe that behind this crime, committed in a small room that could hold no more than four people, some kind of rite could have been held. A nail polish was between the body’s legs. They didn’t know who she was, but on a nightstand there was a wallet with a card that responded to Silvia’s name. At that time there was no missing person report under that name or the true identity of the victim.

An antisocial and very cold person

They did not know who the deceased was or who the perpetrator was. They combed the Barri Antic, without success. However, the best clue was near the scene of the crime. One of the neighbors remembered and pointed out to the agents that, days before the murder, I had seen this womanwho knew her as ‘María, the Portuguese’ and who I was not alonebut he was going with his partner, a man who lived on that floor who is quite aggressive and whom they called ‘The Indian’.

Surprisingly, when the Mossos introduced that nickname in the police file, a name jumped out: Miguel Escudero Carbonell. He had a criminal record, he had just been released from prison, and the two women had been murdered and cut open.

arrested with two knives

The Mossos d’Escuadra rsearched the area, locating “El Indio” sitting on some stairs and with a sports bag in which he carried two manufactured knives with 13 and 14 centimeter blades. From the biological analysis of these bladed weapons and the remains of blood inside the house where the murder occurred, the investigators concluded that the author was Miguel Escudero and that everything could respond to the fact that he was not in favor of the victim engaging in prostitution. There was DNA from both.

He On April 25, 2005, the suspect sat on the bench of the Provincial Court of Lleida, where he denied his second crime. The popular jury did not believe him and considered him guilty, being sentenced to 20 years in prison. When he gets out of prison, it will be checked whether he is capable of reinserting himself or, as the forensics said during the trial, after describing him as “an emotionally cold, antisocial person who distinguishes between good and evil”, Escudero “will do it again”. .
