The Russians might have been stopped with the new ones

Haast is geboden om de Nieuwe Westerse wapens naar Oekraïne te krijgen omdat Russia zich opmaakt om the long-awaited offense in de Donbas te begin. The offense will begin as early as this week, so reports will be given on how American functions are carried out NBC News. In plaats van af te woke up dead all the eenheden who came to Belarus op Krachten na hun terugtrekking uit Kiev en omgeving, we were told zijn zou Moscow al een deel Oost-Oekraïne in will sturden. This is sooner than the VS dead now.

As a result, the Pentagon can now arrive at the VS as early as the first week in Canada. The package of 800 million dollars is the most important thing that the Americans are planning to invade. Both the Britten and diverse Eastern European countries are trying to land in the east of the country. Het gaat and other om houwitsers, helicopters, pantserwagens, rocket ships and air transport systems.


Artillery had a significant role played in the New Year, two phases of the Russian invasion. “Dit deel van Oekraïne lijkt op Kansas”, aldus Pentagon-woordvoerder John Kirby Wednesday. “Het is sea open, vlak terrein.” Het Oekraïense leger in de Donbas, dat van drie kanten omsingeld te been three, kan dan long afstandsartillerie goed gebruiken om de naderende Russian tank and pantsereenheden te bestoken.

Reden voor de VS om eleven 155mm houwitsers te leveren, including 40,000 grenades. Welke houwitsers de Oekraïners krijgen, wil het Pentagon not zeggen. One option is the M777, which means that the largest and most modern guns in the Americas are lighter. A large number of artillery guns is there, with only 4,200 kilos, a lot of light is in other houses.

Dat maakt het makkelijker om dit wapen snel in de Donbas te krijgen. Also, there are fewer soldiers who need to be served and can soon be put forward and older people have been told that they are new to us. The VS used the M777 and others in Syrië om een ​​and they made aan het kalifaat van IS. In 2017, 48 kilos of precision grenades were sold by a meter in length on positions from IS to Raqqa afgevuurd by American mariners.

When the Oekraïners inderdaad krijgen dit modern artillery guns, ze straks per minute can dead twee ten grenades later in the valley of the Russians veertig kilometer verderop. Deze canon biedt de Oekraïners also de mogelijkheid om de Russen met great precisie te raken Dankzij de hightechgranaat Excalibur die gebruik maakt van GPS. In Iraq, the VS M777 was also used in the IS, but there were grenades dead at four meters from it. The vergelijking: ouderwetse ‘dome’ artillery grenades zijn aanzienlijk minder prices in komen vaak op sea dan 200 meters terecht van de Vijand.

A Russian Mi-17 helicopter is flying above a Turks-Russian convoy in Syria in 2020.Beeld AFP


With all the material aan te voeren en te verplaatsen, Oekraïne van de VS has eleven middelzware Mil Mi-17 transport helicopters. Deze were aankelijk aangekocht for het Afghaanse leger. Before the invasion had the Americans as vijf van deze helicopters van Russian madelij beloofd. The Mi-17 will be used at the end of the year in use in the Soviet Union and will be used by most of the transport helicopters.

Het toestel can move 24 soldiers. It can also be used on the 155mm clear space – with it on the light M777 gaat – aft of the front line in the Donbas. For the invasion, officials are responsible for over zo’n four Mi-17’s, but this is the only height of the helicopters in the wings of 52 days overrun.


For use in the frontlines in Oost-Oekraïne, deliver the VS 200 pantserrupsvoertuigen of the type M113. This means that the big shell in the Vietnam-Oorlog will be used, instead of the years that are currently being used in many countries that serve as the US in Israel. The M113 would have the Oekraïense lighter in the Donbas, that was planned for around 40,000 people, and it could happen that the Russian mechanized earth was there.

It has been warned that the Russians said that the matter was large and that there were too many incets from the Oekraïners to overromp. Nadeel van de M113 is wel that het vrij kwetsbaar is for antitank weapons in RPG-7 rocket launchers. Dit bleek onder other tijdens de Arabic-Israëlische oorlogen en bij de strijd in Lebanon en Gaza tegen de Palestijnen. Om de Oekraïners also mobile te maken en sea bescherming te biden, stubborn de Americans also honderd Humvee-jeeps.

German military with an M113 tank requires an opening.  Beeld ANP / dpa Picture Alliance

German military with an M113 tank requires an opening.Beeld ANP / dpa Picture Alliance


Het aantal bewapende drones dat moet neerdalen op de Russian tanks and other things planned, wordt by Washington fors opgevoerd. Kreeg Kiev in maart al 100 Switchblade-kamikazedrones, now he comes another 300 bij. These are light drones for a single use. The small version weighs only 2.5 kilos, is in a rug and can be launched in ten minutes.

After that with a corte buis is afschoten, the drone changes into a ‘kamikazeraket’ the afsuist op zijn doelwit. Also columns in troepen can be booked. Het Oekraïense lightly used now as the Turkse Bayraktar-drone, which is armed with an anti-tank rocket. Maar Ankara will not be delivered from Moscow before it is shot.

Het liefst had Oekraïne nu de most effectively bewapende drone van de Amerikaanse krijgsmacht gehad: de MQ-9 Reaper. The most important functions were the open week of the manufacturer, General Atomics, the American Air Force and the CIA, as well as the twin days when drones were used to hunt and hunt terrorists.

As het aan het bedrijf ligt vliegen de Reapers, the voorzien zijn van de Hellfire-antitankraket, inland cort boven de Donbas. Certainly from a base in West-Oekraïne, Oekraïense can fly de Reapers attacks on Russian troops. “With the control of the Americas, the toe can be set within a few years in the hands of the Oekraïense military pilots,” said the word of General Atomics. The reason for the regering-Biden is that no longer a stap te ver, intended for the delivery of the smaller switchblades.

A MQ-9 Reaper from the American base on a fleece base in Koeweit.  Beeld AFP

A MQ-9 Reaper from the American base on a fleece base in Koeweit.Beeld AFP

Anti-skip chains and air transport

The Britten lifted a number of anti-shipping practices and delivered them that they could make on the launching door of Russian ships in the Black Sea of ​​Kalibr-Kreisrakette. Moscow reacted to the boos on the decision of London. De inzet door Oekraïne week van een antischipraket van own makelij tegen de Russe cruise Moskva, de Neptune, duidt erop dat de Britse rockets nog niet zijn arrived.

London has withered missiles that have been gelevered. Britse media report that the Harpoon is an option, an American missile that is still being advanced by the Neptune. Wat Oekraïne al wel heft gehad, van Slovakia, is the air handling system S-300. Deze delivery maakt het nog moeilijker voor de Russe Luftwaffe om in het Oekraïense luchtruim op te treden. With the S-300, a Russian system, can be shot up to 200 kilometers from the air.
