The Russian space freighter Progress MS-24 is already on its way to the ISS


08/23/2023 at 04:22


The ship will carry fuel, equipment, food and water to the crew members of the station

Russia The space freighter Progress MS-24 was launched on Wednesday towards the International Space Station (ISS). with a cargo of fuel, water, food and equipment for its crew.

The spacecraft lifted off promptly at 0408 Moscow time (0108 GMT) on a Soyuz-2.1a carrier rocket from Russia’s Baikonur Cosmodrome in the Kazakh steppe, according to a live broadcast by the Russian space agency, Roscosmos. According to the Russian agency, Progress will dock with the ISS on August 25 at 06:50 Moscow time (03:50 GMT).

The freighter transports 2,495 kilograms of cargo, including 500 kilograms of fuel for the orbital platform, 420 kilograms of water and 40 kilograms of liquid nitrogen. In addition, she carries 1,535 kilograms of equipment and tools, as well as various materials necessary for scientific experiments, clothing, food, and hygiene items for the crew.

On the carrier rocket there are allegorical images of the 300th anniversary of the Russian city of Yekatermiburg, capital of the Urals, and the centenary of the Russian creator of ballistic missiles and spacecraft, Vladimir Utkin.

The space freighter will be received by the Russian cosmonauts Sergei Prokopiev, Dmitri Petelin and Andrei Fediayev, who share the ISS with the American astronauts Stephen Bowen, Warren Woodrow and Francisco Rubio, of Salvadoran origin, and the Emirati astronaut Sultan Al Neyadi.

Its predecessor, the Progress MS-23, was released on May 24. The Progress MS were created on the basis of the Soviet Soyuz manned spacecraft by the space company Energuia, in order to transport cargo to orbital stations and also serve to correct their orbits. Since 2018, the Progress MS spacecraft have flown twice around the Earth to the ISS, which allows them to dock with the station 3 hours and 40 minutes after launch, unlike the initial plans, which provided for 34 turns in a voyage of 48 hours.
