The Russian Nostradamus sentences the future of humanity: “It is too late”

06/16/2023 at 03:15


The Russian mystic earned a reputation as a seer and healer and predicted an apocalyptic future

Better known as a mystic and for his alleged relationship with the tsarina, Grigori Rasputin was a Russian mystic with great influence on the last days of the Romanov Dynastyin Russia, just before the Russian Revolution.

In addition to his mystical abilities, for the ones that many believed to be immortal, Rasputin stood out as a healer and prophet of the time. Like Nostradamus and the rest of the seers throughout history, Grigori also had terrifying visions of the future.. He even predicted his own death and the fall of the Russian czars and the subsequent decline of the Soviet Union.

Gregori Rasputin gained favor with the Romanov family when he managed to stop the bleeding of the tsar’s youngest son who suffered from hemophilia. Thanks to his gifts as a healer, Rasputin rose to a comfortable position within the imperial family and soon earned the hatred of nobles who feared his influence over the tsarina and the czar.

The terrifying visions of Rasputin

Parallel to his courtly life, Gregori, who dressed in black and pretended to give himself an appearance of Jesus ChristHe claimed to have visions of a terrifying future. He stood out for having gifts of premonition and made dozens of prophecies. The first to be fulfilled was perhaps the one that he would have least wanted, since it meant the end of the tsars.his death and the outbreak of the Russian Revolution.

But beyond these questions, Rasputin looked into the future and predicted some of the circumstances that scientists are most frightened of today.. The Russian mystic was one of the first to glimpse that industrial development and the advancement of humanity would have a high price for the planet.

Rasputin and climate change

gregori predicted climate change long before it began to appreciate. He spoke of fires, drought, death, the disappearance of forests and disease, precisely the scenario that scientists are proposing today if humanity does not take action to curb climate change and pollution. The air that today descends into our lungs to carry life will one day carry death.

AND the day will come when there will be no mountain or hill; there will be no sea or lake that is not enveloped by the fetid breath of Death. And all men will breathe Death, and all men will die from the poisons suspended in the air.

They will make the plants sick and die one after another. The forests will become a huge graveyardand men stunned and poisoned by poisonous rains will wander aimlessly among the dry trees.»

“The forests will become a huge graveyard, and among the dry trees stunned men will wander aimlessly and poisoned by poisonous rains”

A century after his death, scientists reproduce this prophecy almost line for line. A week ago, the world’s leading climate scientists presented the conclusions of a study that brings together almost a decade of analysis of the consequences of the accumulation of greenhouse gases on the planet.

agree on a final resounding warning that calls for the world to take swift and drastic action: this is the only way to escape the worst consequences of climate change.

“Let’s act now or it will be too late”they assure while warning that if the planet goes ahead it will have to suffer heat waves, famine, loss of vital ecosystems, climate refugees due to droughts and floods, raging fires, extreme weather events…
