The Russian justice begins a new trial against the opponent Navalni, who could be sentenced to 30 years

The russian justice has started a new trialthis time for extremism, against the imprisoned Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny, who could be sentenced to another 30 years in jail.

“Naturally, journalists will not have access (to the courtroom),” Navalni’s team wrote on Telegram. The media are expected to be able to follow the trial on television screens installed in another room. Together with the opponent, in the dock of the accused is Daniel Jolodni, former technical director of the Navalni LIVE channelwho could be sentenced to 15 years in prison.

The trial is held at the prison No. 6 of the Vladimir regionwhere Navalni has been held since June 2022. Navalni himself previously denounced that prison officials had not allowed him to familiarize himself with materials from the case, since in the punishment cell where he was found they only allowed him to have one of 196 volumes of the accusation.

fight against corruption

According to the Mediazona portal, Navalni He is accused of financing and instigating extremist actions and of creating an organization, alluding to the outlaw Anti-Corruption Fund (FBK), which violated the rights of citizens.

In addition, charges have been filed for involving minors in dangerous actionsin reference to unauthorized opposition demonstrations.

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Navalni He has condemned on his social networks the “crime war” launched in Ukraine by the President Vladimir Putinwhom he accused of sending hundreds of thousands of Russians “to the slaughterhouse”.

The court rejected in November 2022 an appeal by the lawyers of Navalni and confirmed the sentence of eight years in prison that was imposed on him for fraud and contempt.
