The Russian Embassy urged London to stop dangerous rhetorical provocations

The Russian Embassy in the United Kingdom called on the British Foreign Office to stop dangerous rhetorical provocations regarding Ukraine. The diplomatic mission explained that London is on the sidelines of real diplomatic processes and can only stir up anti-Russian sentiment.

“We strongly urge London to stop stupid rhetorical provocations, which are very dangerous in the current heated situation,” the Russian embassy said. They called on the UK to make real efforts to ensure security guarantees in Europe.

“The latest news – about Russia’s intention to bring to power in Kiev a former deputy of the Verkhovna Rada (Evgeny Muraev – ed.), who in Russia itself is under sanctions as a person posing a threat to national security – is completely anecdotal,” the embassy said. .

The Russian diplomatic mission is convinced that London is guided by a simple logic: “every day accuse Russia of preparing an ‘imminent’ invasion of Ukraine.” According to Russian diplomats, on this fictitious “foundation” Great Britain is trying to “play the role of the ideological leader of the free world.” The embassy calls the accusations against Russia “slogan tinsel”, which is quite compatible with the “obvious degradation of the British expert potential.”

The Russian embassy recalled British Foreign Secretary Elizabeth Truss that Ukraine in its history faced numerous invaders – “from the Mongols to the Tatars.” It would be ridiculous, however, as the embassy pointed out, this demonstrates the true professional level of “people who, along with absurd statements, are sending deadly weapons to Ukraine.”

Earlier on January 23, Deputy Prime Minister of Great Britain, Minister of Justice Dominic Raab said that London will introduce tough economic sanctions against Russiaif it implements “invasion of Ukraine”, which has been talked about lately in the West. The minister added that restrictions would also be applied if Russia tries to build a “puppet regime” in Ukraine by bringing pro-Russian politicians to power there.

On January 22, the British Foreign Office announced that the Russian leadership is considering the option of bringing a loyal government to power in Ukraine, which allegedly could be headed by ex-deputy of the Verkhovna Rada Yevgeny Muraev.


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