The rush was to turn away Roni Bäck and Airi’s spouse at the hospital doors

Tubetja Roni Bäck talks about fatherhood in her latest video.

Roni Bäck is a new father. Inka Soveri

Favorite tube player Roni Bäck had her first child in early 2023. Now Bäck is talking about his fatherhood for the first time in his latest video. He emphasizes that he is not going to bring the child to the public in any way, but still wants to talk about fatherhood from his own point of view.

– Then he can decide for himself whether he wants to be in the videos, the man says.

Now Bäck and his spouse Airi have gotten used to a new kind of everyday life with a little one. The video goes through the time when Bäck told his friends about the newcomer, when the couple opened the maternity package all the way to the moment when the baby was finally born.

Bäck reveals that the birth of the family’s first child was started because the baby had spent overtime in the womb for two weeks already. At the maternity hospital, however, it was close to saying that the couple would not have been sent home from the hospital doors due to the overcrowding. They were told to come back the next day.

– In the end, another doctor said that yes, we can start labor.

The rush was to turn the couple away from the door of the maternity hospital. Inka Soveri

After hours of waiting and little naps, the couple was moved to the delivery room. Finally, the baby was born and according to Bäck, everything went well. Both Airi’s mother and the baby were fine.

– The baby came out and our man didn’t pass out.

The scroll seemed so small and flimsy to Bäck that he was afraid it would break. In the end, however, the midwives showed how the baby’s reflexes work and how to hold it.

– It is the happiest moment of my life. That feeling of meaning and love for both the child and Airi. Yes, all three of us cried – Me, Airi and the baby, Bäck says.

Baby bubble

Everything was fine for Airi and the baby and they made it to the family nest hotel connected to the hospital. On the first night, Bäck couldn’t wait to sleep, because he was afraid that he wouldn’t wake up if the baby had an emergency.

– I just stared at it.

The next morning, Bäck fetched food from the bottom floor of the family nest hotel and realized that he was deep in the baby bubble.

– When you only focused on the baby’s well-being, it was really strange to see people who only lived their own lives. There was time to forget that there is more to the world than that baby.

Roni Bäck and Airi Mikkelä. Pete Anikari

After three days, the family got home, where they got to know the family’s new life. The couple was prepared for everything, but the baby routine still hit them hard.

– The best way to describe it is that a baby is like an alarm clock that can ring at any time. Time is either ten seconds or four hours. It’s always ready.

The new everyday life with the baby has gone well despite the tiredness. The couple’s parents have also been closely involved and helpful.

– Sometimes I have to ask them that yes, we will be fine again for a while, he says at the end of the video.

You can watch the whole video here.
