The rude comment reminded Janni Huss of the eating disorder of his youth – He weighed 42 kilos at his lowest point

Janni Hussi admits in the Sana on vavaa podcast that his teenage eating disorder and compulsive exercise got really sick.

Eating disorders are a big topic of conversation Word is free in a recent episode of the podcast. Fitness model Janni Hussi31, the media personality tells his co-hosts A chord for the Borg30, how she got a look comment on her May Day post.

In the Instagram post in question, there are two pictures: in one, she is posing in a bikini by the pool, while in the other, she is in a puffer jacket in the pouring rain.

A harsh comment soon followed the publication: “Janni, you’ve gained weight”.

– Comments like this rarely make my hair stand on end. Now I notice, when I’m in a special “turning point” in my life, I just hit something, Hussi opens in the podcast.

Hussi says that he was more worried about his young followers, who might be affected by the appearance comment. The thought made Huss return to his youth, when he suffered from an eating disorder and compulsive movement.

According to Huss, he started questioning his appearance when he was around 12 years old. When he was young, Hussi secretly watched show wrestling programs where, in his opinion, the women were shapely in just the right places.

– After that, I looked at myself in the mirror and realized that “I’m nothing like that”. I don’t have boobs, just too thick thighs because I was really athletic. So there were no feminine forms anywhere.

In Janni Huss’s youth, thinness was admired. Jenni Gästgivar

Hussi admits that the situation escalated into a really bad situation. Eating decreased radically, which he kept very secret from his parents. As a result, Huss’s weight was at its lowest at around 42 kilos.

Soon the parents began to worry about their daughter. Hussi’s mother could even come to check in the middle of going to the toilet, if Hussi had vomited in the toilet bowl.

– Yes, this was certainly a big question mark for the teams, as to what should be done here. They couldn’t watch what I was doing, Hussi thinks in the podcast.

Hussi understands that it is really difficult for an outsider to offer help if he knows almost nothing about eating disorders. According to Huss, at that time it is often easy to just say that “you should just start eating now”.

– It’s the same as telling a depressed person to “cheer up a bit”, Hussi compares.

According to Huss, his salvation was football, thanks to which he became interested in the nutrition of a young athlete.

Today, the former Aamulypsy presenter lives a healthy life. According to Huss, his weight today hovers around 56–57 kilos.

Source: The word is free podcast

According to Janni Huss, his eating disorder and obsessive movement could have escalated to something really bad. Jenni Gästgivar
