The routine of Queen Elizabeth on holiday in Balmoral

Lto Queen Elizabeth, 96 years old, does less and less. Upon her arrival in Scotland, for her second summer without her Philip, her doctors even advised her to reduce that welcome ceremony to a very small format that her kilted royal guards reserve her every year. And it is not the only renunciation that the sovereign has had to accept.

Queen Elizabeth is also on vacation

Due to the worsening of her mobility problems, the sovereign already approved last year a number of major changes to the interior of Balmoral Castle, as well as Craigowan Cottage, the cottage not far from Prince Philip’s favorite manor and where the queen continues to spend part of her Scottish stay.

Queen Elizabeth, her words of love for Scotland in memory of Prince Philip

The new holidays of Queen Elizabeth

Inside the castle and the cottage they have been installed elevators and handrails to facilitate the movements of the queen that, inside the estate, and away from prying eyes, he uses his wheelchair more and more frequently. However, what grieves Elizabeth is above all the renunciation of some pastimes that once enlivened her summer holidays.

The sovereign upon her arrival at the Balmoral gates, August 2021 (Getty Images)

A good Scottish breakfast

In the morning, after one typically Scottish breakfast based on smoked herring, the queen used to go out with her corgis for a long walk in the woods and lakes that surround the Royal residence. But now she walks leaning on a stick and the cobbled and uphill paths are no longer recommended.

Elisabetta has now also given up fishing, an activity she dedicated herself to together with her husband Filippo, and to ride the thoroughbreds of the Royal stables.

The sovereign does not give up working

Even in summer, and despite advanced age, Elizabeth continues to do her duty as monarch. Every morning he spends hours in his study with his assistants, intent on sorting out the mysterious red briefcases, full of documents to be signed and which arrive punctually from Westminster, the seat of the British government. And she keeps up in close telephone contact with his son Carlo and grandson Williamwho now increasingly take his place at court.

Elizabeth and Philip with their children at Balmoral in September 1960 (IPA)

Elizabeth never dines alone

After the morning work, the sovereign receives the local dignitaries or those relatives at Balmoral in turn they come to have lunch with her. If the weather is nice, it even allows itself a picnic for five o’clock tea toowhich is served to her with mini salmon sandwiches (fished in the area) and the shortbread, traditional butter biscuits. And in the evening she never dines alone. If she has no relatives around the castle, her collaborators keep her companyincluding the trusty dresser Angela Kelly.

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Too bad the queen can no longer dance

Once Elizabeth II he delighted in traditional Scottish dancing and, on the occasion of Ghillie’s Ball, she was always the first to hit the track, along with her sister Margaret and the Queen Mother. The annual event takes place in Balmoral for the neighborhood and even the servants, e the sovereign in Scottish dress participated in every group dance, accompanied by cooks and valets. She and she was always the last to leave.

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