The roles of the Catalan and Spanish Nazis: “The war can begin”


12/07/2023 at 05:00


Combat 18, the neo-Nazi group dismantled by the National Police, was preparing to attack its “enemies”: Catalan independentists, immigrants and Jews

Some of them were part of the FNIthe party that harassed Ada Colau and raised money to defend the sniper who wanted to kill Pedro Sánchez. They had more than 50 knives, including machetes, knives and axes. And a “Manual of homemade explosives” which explains, among other things, how to activate a bomb on a mobile phone. Also, a document written by one of the Nazis to his “Spanish princess” in which he announced that “the war can begin.” The National Police arrested them and he avoided it.

Investigators from the General Information Commissariat (CGI) of the police had been monitoring the Nazi group Combat 18 for months. hard core in Cataloniabut with members also in Madrid, Galicia and Alicante, the police found that “the atmosphere was getting heated between them.” They were very excited by the brutal attacks by Hamas in Israel and also by the controversy over the amnesty law for those involved in the process and the imminent investiture debate of the President of the Government in Spain. So, together with the Mossos d’Esquadra, They arrested the 16 main members of the group before they could do any damage.

Several of them come from the FNI, the Catalan party that took up a collection to help the sniper who wanted to kill Pedro Sánchez.

Several of the detainees, the members of the hard core, had been part of the FNI (National Identity Front). This Catalan neo-Nazi group took up a collection to help Manuel Murillo, prosecuted and finally convicted to seven and a half years in prison for planning to kill the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez.

A Spanish princess

In the house of one of the detainees, in a Galician village, they found a manuscript without title or signature which reads: “A true Spanish Princess is chosen for her bloodso that he fights for his people, as his parents and grandparents already did, against all those who say that we are less than them.

Combat 18, the group they had formed imitating French Nazis, was a Blood & Honor spinoffwhich was illegalized in Spain in 2010. The Nazi men and women who made it up were “between 30 and 45 years old, they were veterans and seasoned, historical people who feel that no one represents them, that the young ultras do not take the step” , emphasize police sources consulted by OPEN CASE.

One of those arrested in Operation Arno. On the left, one of the garments with Nazi symbols.


They received help from the French branch, who proposed to organize and finance them. They met with them in France and Catalonia. In the neighboring country they are also illegal and they were even attributed a plan to assassinate the president of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron.

In Catalonia, several of the members They had already attacked a North African immigrant, a man who lived on the street. And on October 12, after participating in a demonstration in Montjuic, they insulted and tried to attack a disabled person who was wearing a symbol LGTBI. Mossos from a nearby police station avoided him.

“Hitler respected women”

The Catalan and Spanish Nazis are not hiding. They formed an analogue, hierarchical, old-fashioned group. They wear visible tattoos and reject, however, the term Nazi. They also don’t like, police sources explain, the word “feminazi” as an insult: “they consider that Hitler’s regime respected women.” Unlike other organizations, the three detained women had an important role, one was even almost the leader of the group and disputed the president’s place.

They infiltrate and come to control some biker groups, in fact, they have a similar structure to them, with president, vice president, treasurer… They raise money at RAC music concerts (Rock Against Communism in English), they also like fights without rules and MMA. They are entering survivalist movements, people who are experts in survival, prepared to survive in hostile conditions. Conspiracy theories about covid continue.

When they were arrested they had already outlined a “strategic plan” and were ready to act. They were all daring people willing to commit violent acts, according to police sources. They were all humble, working class people, with low-skilled and unstable jobs. They were tight on money and “their life is their ideology,” police sources add.

No junk food or tobacco

One of his favorite books is the “Manual of the political soldier.” In it, they reflect their “code of honor” in imitation of German Nazi militants, with some modern touches. For example, the rejection of junk food or fast food and tobacco. “He will never cease to amaze us when, at a nationalist meeting or event, in which the issue of white pride or racial superiority is discussed, people can be seen smoking, eating hamburgers or drinking beers like animals! We must get more involved in the fight and lead a healthier life…“.

They reject bodybuilding and defend physical exercise, especially boxing. “After approximately three months of exercise you will begin to feel its benefits… Try to improve your diet with lean meats such as chicken and fish. Vitamin C and fruit will strengthen your immune system and at the same time will help you avoid catching colds, the flu, or catching a cold. any virus.” All this care was to participate in what they call “direct actions”that is, attacks against people to achieve “elimination of everything that is harmful to our race and opposition to National Socialism.” Along these lines, the letter that one of them had at home indicated that they wanted to start their attacks now: “We fight against everyone, for the territory, for pride, for the RACE and above all for THEM, for what is Ours. THE WAR CAN BEGIN.”
