The road of silence, all the previews of the third episode | iO Donna

Lintertwining double lives, secrets buried for decades, revenge and grudges, explodes tonight. The third episode of The road of silencebroadcast today 27 July at 21.20 on Canale 5 (and streaming on Mediaset Infinity), promises to be super addicting: you dig so much into the experience of the characters, that the story comes out of the simple thriller to become a sort of portrait of the psychological contortions to which the human soul can yield. Suspense and twists are guaranteed. An episode to see in one breath, holding tight to the sofa.

The road of silence: a success from Greece

The series in four episodes (aired on Wednesdays), broadcasts three episodes per evening (except the last one, scheduled for next 3 August in which we will see four). Produced in Greece (Filmiki Etairia), distributed by Beta Film, it was a success in terms of ratings and critics at home. To sign it, Petros Kalkovalis and Melina Tsampani, leading authors in Greece. Present in the cast are very popular actors in their homeland (for example Penelope Tsilika, who plays the protagonist, the journalist Thalea).

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The road of silence: the plot

Everything revolves around the disappearance of a school bus with nine primary school children, the driver and a helper on board. The whole country, a small community in West Attica, is tremendously shaken. Investigations involving local authorities and elites are triggered. The missing children, in fact, are all children of some of the most important families in the area, among them also the son of the mayor. It looks like a kidnapping for extortion purposesin fact, criminals get to ask for one hundred million euros, instead, slowly, a psychological drama is revealed that hides a revenge.

The advances tonight: Family secrets

The first episode of tonight, titled Family secretsstarts with mayor Niketas (Giannos Perlegas) who launches an appeal on TV to ask for the release of the children. In the meantime, however, the head of the investigation Nasos Economidis (Dimitris Lalos) with his team has identified a kidnapper: it is Michalis Topalis (Nikolas Papagiannis). He is stalked in the hope that it will lead to the hiding place, but the risk of the investigators being discovered is very high.

The road of silence (Press Office Mediaset)

But the story of the kidnapping almost remains in the background, because the first “double life” is revealed. The mayor Niketas in fact reveals to his wife Manto that he had betrayed her with Athena, (Anthi Efstratiadou), sister of the journalist Thalea.

And when Athena reaches Manto for clarification between women, a clash arises, which ends very badly.

Meanwhile Thaleawho is investigating the kidnapping of children unofficially alongside Nasos, she is attracted by the death of a certain Tzimakis, who discovers that he was an employee of his father Spyros (Antonis Kafetzopoulos). And the mystery deepens.

Second episode: Old stories

In this second episode two strands develop: one of the investigations and the other on the personal life of Athena.

On the investigation front Thalea is raised from the position of intermediary and informant of Nasos. It was the kidnapper Michalis, in the first episode, surprisingly to contact her as an intermediary, rather than the police. But Nasos’ superiors have always viewed this role of her with ill will. She now she in fact she is removed. But the evidence she brought of her is too important, they link the death at work of the employee of his father Spyros to the kidnapping of the children. Like this the motive of the kidnapping with the aim of ransom loses weight, while the hypothesis that the disappearance of the children was caused by a simple revenge is becoming more and more common.

The road of silence (Press Office Mediaset)

Another twist comes with Michalis that, feeling hunted, alone and on the run, it is aimed at those who, perhaps no one, would have ever imagined could be the instigator of the kidnapping.

In parallel, we said, the spotlight on the personal life of Athena. Husband Vassilis (Christos Loulis), discovers she is still linked to her ex-husband, A’s biological dadristea, one of the missing children. Vassilis unleashes with Thalea, and she begins to reveal details of her family unknown to the reporter.

Third episode: The orchestrator

In the third and final episode of this evening we discover the true story of Vassilis (and it is yet another case of “double life” in the series). Actually he is called Iasonas, he lost his parents when he was very young to mysterious causes. He fled from Vathy, the town where the disappearance of the children is set, to return at the age of eighteen with another identity.

Here, coming into contact with Michalis, Vassilis-Iasonas discovered information about his parents. And he began to suspect that the cause of their disappearance was linked to Spyros, father of Thalea and Athena. And for a perverse fate (or calculation?) He decided to marry Athena, the one from whom he now discovered he was betrayed.

Her personal story seems too tied to the kidnapping of children.

