The rise of women and the image problems of politics

Antonella Baccaro (photo by Carlo Furgeri Gilbert).

IS It’s been a banner year for women. Partly because there are women who have proved to be exceptional. Partly because someone has decided that investing in women is, among the exceptional things to do, the easiest.

Let me explain. The images of this post-pandemic year will remain etched Iranian women at the forefront of overturning the absolutist and backward power of the ayatollahs.

A fuse, the one triggered by death of activist Mahsa Aminiwhich has awakened the consciences of many and started a fire destined to last, despite the fact that the repression is becoming increasingly bloody.

And we come to our country, Giorgia Meloni’s rise to power should be considered, as we have already said here, a historic event: the first female prime minister in Italy and the only one to lead a G20 country are records which, for now, net of what the prime minister will be able to do for Italy but also for other women, cast a positive light on our country.

In Iran the first death penalty for a protester.  And violence against women is brutal

At the moment, while at the helm of the Constitutional Court there is, for the second time, a woman, Silvana Sciarra, the only “glass ceiling” to be broken, among the constitutional offices, is that of the Quirinale. But for this we will have to wait another six years, when Sergio Mattarella expires.

The emotional wave created by these events in which women appear as protagonists, winning and convincing can produce a cascading positive effect. But it can also lead someone to think that the easiest way to appear up to date and/or solve an image problem is to give space to a woman.

With all due respect for the ordeal that the Democratic Party is undergoing, part (and I stress “part”) of the debate that is animating the renewal of the secretariat, to which Elly Schlein, in addition to Stefano Bonaccini, has applied, appears to be an attempt to double the success to the right of Giorgia Meloni.

Anyone who reasons in this way has already lost from the start: Meloni has conquered the male electorate also because he has avoided divisive positions. Candidate Schlein by hoisting the feminist flag means giving up on going beyond the electorate of choice. Beautiful, identity but loser.

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