the riot of judges in the courts of the United States – iO Donna

No.Not all judges think the same way. And so if the “supreme” ones have authorized individual American states to introduce laws banning abortion at their discretionin Louisianathere is one that has temporarily blocked the automatic application of the ban throughout the state.

Right to abortion: not all judges are the same

The decision was made on the appeal of two groups in favor of the voluntary termination of pregnancy, the Center for Reproductive Rights And Boies Schiller Flexner Llp. In the email released by the Center for Reproductive Rights, the judge’s decision is peremptory: “Abortions can be carried out in the state. A hearing has been set for July 8th“.

This means that, at least until that date, the right of abortion will be preserved in the state, in the three clinics that today offer the procedure.

US abortion law

Protests in Massachusetts

Louisiana, Utah and Texas block enforcement of the ban

And of contrary judge, there is also one in Utahwho decided like the colleague, issuing a restraining order that will stop the law for 14 days and setting a hearing to examine the appeal of the Planned Parenthood of Utah andAmerican Civil Liberties Union of Utah.

Nonetheless it happens in Texas, where abortions can resume, at least until the new hearing to be held on 12 July. As in the other two states, here too it was a court that suspendedthrough a restraining order, the sentence that Washington will formalize in July.

What is happening in the US courts

In short, the storm caused by the decision to leave each state the freedom to legislate on the right to abortion is being tackled in the only possible way. In court, filing lawsuits against that decisionand hoping for the judge of his own state.

And, in fact, a storm of disputes ensuedmainly by abortion rights groups that they try to block the new bans with the argument that they are vague or violate state constitutions. But also trying to prevent the entry into force of old bans by claiming that they are out of date.

And if Louisiana and Utah have moved for now, similar lawsuits are pending in Arizona, Kentucky, Mississippi and Idaho.

Right to abortion: who protects it

But if there are states where the right to abortion is really in serious danger, there are also in favor of it. And it was precisely from these that a clear stance against the decision of the Supreme Court was not made to wait.

The governor of the New Jerseyfor example, Democrat Philip Murphy has already stated that he is ready to host women arriving from anti-abortion statesprotecting them, if necessary, with the police.

While Republican Charlie Baker, governor of the Massachusetts, one of the few “pro choice” Republicans, immediately signed an executive order to protect the health facilities that will welcome pregnant women arriving from other states.

But there are also several corporations such as Apple, Amazon, Disney, Meta, Microsoft, Starbucks who have announced that they will cover the travel expenses of employees forced to move to terminate the pregnancy.

