The rights accuse the PSC of “propping up” the independence movement with the Catalan law

  • The CUP charges against the partners in the Government for “converting the sentence [del 25% de castellano en las aulas] in law”

The new language law, drafted between PSC, ERC, Junts and ‘commons’will be processed by the fast track and with extraordinary urgency to comply with the term given by the Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia to execute the sentence established by the 25% of Spanish in the classrooms. Before May 31, the Parliament will pass the new legislation and the government will issue a decree law that rejects the percentages of Catalan and Spanish in schools with the aim that the “pedagogical criteria” and the sociolinguistic situation determine the linguistic projects of each centre, with the validation of Educació.

But despite the literalness of the wording, the promoters continue to interpret the content of the law differently. Although the PSC deputy Esther Niubo He defended this Wednesday in the hemicycle that this regulation “improves the educational system, remakes a consensus, breaks the policy of blocks and adapts to court rulings taking into account the sociolinguistic situation.” “We have filled a void that the courts had filled. This law preserves the essentials of the educational model, improves it, does not challenge the courts or confront“, he has riveted, aware that the right-wing would point to the socialists for their agreement. Even more so, knowing that ERC and Junts interpret the law in a totally opposite way, because, in his opinion, “it leaves aside the sentence in favor of pedagogical criteria” and does not alter the current Catalan school model.

And so it has been, both the extreme right and Cs and the PPC have promised to battle through legal means to knock down this future law, which will be endorsed on Friday by the majority of Parliament (78% of deputies). The parliamentarian of Cs, Carlos Carrizosa, has pointed to the PSC, the ‘comuns’ and the independence movement for “demolishing” Castilian to “maintain the fateful alliances” of the Prime Minister, Pedro Sanchez, “so that it continues to govern as it is”. “Socialism underpins the nationalist regime by agreeing with the most extreme nationalism on this shameful text. The coalition that governs in Spain prefers to whitewash nationalism and disavow the judiciary,” Carrizosa snapped, warning of criminal consequences for all those who disobey the court ruling. .

The leader of the PPC, Alexander Fernandezhas lamented that sovereignism does not “learn” behind the disconnection laws pulling the fast track to approve new regulations “with the support of the PSC”. “What they are about to do here is to avoid compliance with a judicial sentence in writing, with euphemisms and subterfuges. It is a pure separatist technique, Mr. Illa. I solemnly ask you to reflect on whether it is worth copying that way of doing things,” he slipped .

CUP darts

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On the other side of the hemicycle, the anti-capitalists have charged against the four-party pact because they consider that it “converts the sentence into law.” “We are witnessing a fateful historic day because legislation is being passed against Catalan”, emphasized the deputy Dolors Sabater. “Today the Parliament turns Spanish into a vehicle for the first time in 40 years of history. There is no magic formula to comply with the sentence and protect immersion because the sentence is against immersion”, he launched the partners in the Government, accusing them of “falling into the trap of the PSC” and committing “serious irresponsibility”.

The express processing has been approved with 105 votes in favor (PSC, ERC, Junts and ‘comuns’) and 28 against (Vox, CUP, Cs and PPC).
