The review on this cocktail bar that stuns the owners

08/26/2022 at 09:17


A user named Carmen María has posted a bad review of a bar she hasn’t even been to

The owner has warned him of his mistake, since they are on vacation

A review in a bar has caused quite a stir on Twitter after it was shared by a cousin of the owner. The truth is that the review has been left for later on twitter, as well as the owner’s response to it. The review was written by a certain Carmen, a person who did not like the experience at the premises at all. A Twitter user uploaded the capture and mentioned the famous profile of I am a waiter.

“Review in my brother’s bar, the peñita is out of her mind & rdquor; the user said. He then shared the review in which it could be read. “I was debating whether to write this review or not, but the treatment we received was strong” He began by saying Carmen María. Then she counted as being a group of eight and not asking for one person they threatened to take away the table.

The response from the owner of the bar, called Tanque de Oro, has been magnificent. “You have mistaken the place, I repeat I don’t have an ORTILLA, OR ANY TYPE OF FOOD, AND WE ARE ON HOLIDAYSso I doubt that the events you mention are in my premises & rdquor ;.
