The return of the classic confinement realities

After several years without being able to overshadow Telefe in prime time, El Trece seems to have found the formula to prevail, or at least put up a fight, in the most coveted and profitable time slot on TV. Because in addition to the success that is no longer a novelty of Guido Kaczka, the Grupo Clarín channel dusted off a television formula that had been forgotten after being unbeatable at the beginning of the century: the reality shows of contestants locked up 24 hours a day.

“The hotel of the famous” not only managed to reverse a poor start in terms of rating and now become a subscriber to the top 5 of the most watched programs of the day, but also brought back into relevance a format that had not been for a long time. was present on Argentine television. Such has been the event that even Telefe is already preparing to air “Big Brother” at the end of this year, the most popular running of the bulls reality show in the world and which managed to break audience records in the country.

After an unprecedented quarantine, the truth is that the new trend seems to be seeing other contestants in the same reality that everyone had to go through. As if isolated, following the fate of captive participants has once again captured the attention and interest of audiences.

Event. Although the hotel’s reality show has been on the air since March, it was not until well into May that it managed to position itself. In El Trece they had warned that they trusted the product and beyond the first few weeks with a lower than expected rating, which even led to the schedule being changed, time seems to have proved them right. From not reaching two rating figures, to achieving audience peaks that make it the most watched of the day. On the channel they celebrate that the bet paid off and that the reality show was one of the main factors thanks to which El Trece achieved a milestone that it had not achieved since 2019. Because precisely on Monday, December 16 of that year, thanks to the end of “Dancing for a Dream”, had been the last opportunity in which the channel had managed to impose Telefe in the global rating of the day during a business day. On May 26, the signal returned to the top of the daily podium with an average of 7.9, largely supported by the reality show that was the most watched of the day with an average of 11.4.

“What is attractive is that precisely this type of program had been given a break and what ‘El hotel’ achieved is to rejuvenate the idea of ​​confinement, with an original idea,” explains the philosopher Tomás Balmaceda, who is part of the panel that analyzes the reality show on Sundays in the debate.

Thus, after the screen was full of programs of this style at the time, El Trece opted to use this formula again and the results are visible. For this reason, Telefe hastened the beginning of its great commitment: the return of “Big Brother”, the most iconic of these reality shows, which will thus reach its tenth edition and will return to the screen of the ball channel after the two latest versions were through América TV without arousing much interest (2015 and 2016).

In mid-June, the casting is scheduled to begin to choose the 16 participants who will enter what used to be “the most famous house in the country.” The idea of ​​the channel is that the program is on the air for the last quarter of the year, depending, among other factors, on how the screen is measuring. In this way, after a long time, two realities of this style will collide again in prime time, since after this unexpected growth, “The hotel of the famous” has already confirmed a second edition that will be broadcast in the summer of 2023 .

Changes. But although the confinement formula had already been proven successful and its disappearance from the screen was due more to audience fatigue due to repetition than to a lack of programs, the truth is that captivity today is far from what it was more than one of each. “The confinement goes beyond the physical, it is a confinement more linked to not having the phone in hand. That’s the kind of isolation today. And this can be seen how it affects the desperation of the participants to know the pulse of the program because they are not aware of anything, “explains Balmaceda. Indeed, the program is recorded and the participants cannot even guess the social mood of the public because those eliminated are not due to the audience’s vote but due to skill tests. Thus, the isolation experiment is carried even further. It’s just them competing against their rivals without outside interference. This recipe is the same one that he crowned “Master Chef”, which, although it is another type of reality show, generated intrigue and suspense due to the lack of knowledge of what he was going to come out of the contest.

Updating seems to be the need for this type of program and for the next edition of “Big Brother” some novelties are being prepared, especially an extension of the maximum age that participants can have. Contrary to previous editions, this time the age range will reach 50 years, also seeking greater identification for each viewer in particular.

With some modifications and adapted to the times, the Argentines seem willing once again to see people unknown to each other try to coexist and prevail. After the experience of a global quarantine, now the enjoyment comes from seeing other people locked up.

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