‘The return of Johnny de Mol is inappropriate’

Özcan Akyol criticized the TV comeback of his son Johnny de Mol on John de Mol’s TV channel last night. “It’s more appropriate if you just wait.”

© SBS 6, William Rutten

Where most celebrities who are accused of criminal offenses are completely put through the wringer, Johnny de Mol gets relatively little dung. It is of course logical that many celebrities are not waiting to rub his father, John de Mol, against the hair. After all, he is a powerful man in the Dutch TV world.

Johnny back on TV

Despite the report of serious assault and attempted manslaughter, Johnny may continue to make TV on SBS 6. The TV station announced yesterday that he will appear on television again in October, namely with a series of the Restaurant Misverstand program recorded last summer. He does drop his live talk show HLF8 for a while.

Johnny’s manager says: “Johnny has decided not to do a live show, but Restaurant Misverstand will. He has played Restaurant Misverstand this summer and he will only do live shows as soon as there is more clarity about his process. That was a conscious choice.”

Derksen enthusiastic

Johan Derksen, who has a lot of sympathy for the Mol family, thinks it’s great. “Well, Johnny’s coming up with a hotel-something program. Oh, Restaurant Misunderstanding, yes. And if he can do one thing well, Johnny… He’s so empathetic! He is very good with children and young people with disabilities. He does that fantastically.”

Johnny’s return is great, Johan continues in Today Inside. “That talk show? He doesn’t care about that, he’s not the type for that. But you’re looking at those handicapped children with a lump in your throat.”

Colleague René van der Gijp: “Yes, but that is not about disabled children.”

And Wilfred Genee: “No, that is about people with dementia.”

witch hunt

Table guest Özcan Akyol critical: “But he can now be on TV again?”

Johan: “Well, I didn’t want him to leave TV, but it wasn’t so unwise, because there was a kind of witch hunt. If you give your wife a corrective slap these days, then you have to TV.”

Özcan: “But what is the difference with Ali B? Why can’t it be on TV again?”

Johan: “Well, I think Ali B is a bit more serious. He is really kicked out by the people.”

Özcan: “With Johnny there is also a report or a sound recording?”


Johan irritated: “With Johnny it is an incident. He was in a somewhat flamboyant relationship. You have to compare that to that fat man who would have bitten his wife. That’s domestic violence. That is different from taking all kinds of girls, often too young, and then just wanting to give a fuck.”

Özcan: “Okay, let me see if this makes sense. All of them are under criminal investigation, right?”

Johan: “Yes, and I think: as long as the judge has not convicted you, you can go on TV.”

Özcan: “I’m making that comparison right now. Do you see the difference?”

René: “No, not at all.”

“He has to wait!”

Özcan thinks that Johnny, like other celebrities with misbehavior, should just be put on hold for a while. “I think the same applies. If he’s assaulted someone and I know a lot about what else happened, I think it’s more appropriate, especially with such a sensitive topic in the program, that you wait.”

Johan angrily: “Yes, but Eus, Eus, let’s not talk about this dude. He’s just being blackmailed. The counterparty is usually out for money. They also sent letters, saying: ‘If you transfer that amount, we will keep our mouths.’”

Özcan thinks Johan is trivializing the matter. According to him, it is not for nothing that Johnny enjoys so little support. “There were also guests who didn’t want to come to HLF8 for a while. That also played a part.”

Restaurant Misunderstanding starts in October on SBS 6.
