The remains of ‘Danielle’ burst into Catalonia with a temperature record

The thermometers in Catalonia have risen to break temperature records in the month of Septemberregistered more than ten years ago.

This peak has been observed in two of the 153 stations of the Xarxa d’Estacions Meteorològiques Automàtiques (XEMA) in the Canoso stations (Segarra, Lleida) with 35.5 ºC and Baldomar (Artesa del Segre, Lleida) with 36.1ºC.

As reported by the Servei Meteorològic de Catalunya (Meteocat), the two stations have recorded their highest temperature in 33 and 15 years, respectively.

Squall ‘Danielle’

Hitting the forecast, everything is about a meteorological phenomenon related to the transport of warm air from lower latitudes driven by the circulation of ‘Danielle’, the ex-hurricane turned into a storm.

Also, it is expected that in the next few hours, the remains of the hurricane daniel will bring to the Peninsula the first autumn storma atlantic storm To leave heavy rainswinds of more than 40 kilometers per hour and an important drop in temperatures.

Thus, while this hurricane has now become a tropical cyclone that is weakening in the Atlantican associated front will reach the Peninsula this afternoon and, in the next few days, will cross the country from west to east, according to forecasts by the State Meteorological Agency (Aemet).

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On the other hand, after the high temperatures during the day, Meteocat has issued a warning for violent weather in the Ripollès and Garrotxa regions, with a very high level of danger, with forecasts of hail with a diameter greater than two centimeters, wind gusts greater than 25 m/s, tornadoes and outbursts.

a hot summer

Already at the end of May we were entering a series of chained heat waves that managed to break several temperature records – in Catalonia 57 meteorological stations exceeded historical maximums – and deaths from heat waves quadrupled compared to July 2021.
