The relationship between Leo Stillman and Karoliina Tuominen warms up in Survivors

Leo Stillman admits that he has a crush on Karoliina Tuomien.

Karoliina Tuominen and Leo Stillman have attracted attention in Survivors. Four/IL

In the next episode of Survivor Karoliina Tuominen and Leo Stillman reflect on their union. The two have retreated to swimming alone and the following game moves come up in the conversation.

– If we think about this far. Then if a situation arises that you have to decide. Do you have to vote for one of us? Karoliina asks referring to Leo Pok Biili. Leo and Pok have had a close union in the past.

– Kick, Leo answers confidently.

However, Karoliina is not convinced by the man’s answer.

– You say that now, he adds suspiciously.

– I feel safer with you. You have a better control of that game, Leo states.

The two clap hands.

Karoliina Tuominen tests Leo Stillman’s reliability. FOUR

There are also bigger feelings in the game, which the man tells the TV cameras about.

– Karo is a wonderful guy. I’m in love with Karo. There’s nothing wrong with that, you can fall in love with people. Karoliina has been in Survivors before and its game style is more strategic, Leo reflects.

Karoliina describes to the TV cameras that she gets along well with Leo, but there is a little uncertainty in the air.

Leo Stillman admits that he has a crush on Karoliina. FOUR

– Now you are trying to distinguish between the fact that even if you get along really well with another person, is it the best possible game partner. You have to try to keep emotions out of the game completely and think tactically about what makes sense, says Karoliina.

Survivors on Suomi Nelose and Ruudu on Sunday at 19:30. See program information on Telku.
