The reindustrialization of Nissan is again delayed until the end of July

The process of reindustrialization from nissan is delayed again and until the end of July -at the earliest- it will not be decided how the land occupied by the car manufacturer will be distributed. The meeting held this Friday between the company, the unions and the Administration failed to close any of the pending files. The process to define the bases of the competition through which a lessor will be sought to manage the land has not been finalized, according to sources familiar with the meeting. and the space of silence It is not specified either, even though Nissan would have shown its commitment to directly rent a plot of land to speed up its installation and prevent it from deciding to establish itself in another territory, as the electric motorcycle manufacturer had threatened.

If the objective of the last meeting -held on March 14- was to have closed the bases of the competition to find the manager of the land, said objective has not been fulfilled. At this Friday’s appointment, which began around four in the afternoon and lasted until almost nine, the lawyers from the Consorci de la Zona Franca (the Roca Junyent law firm) landed to try to legally sew the composition of the puzzle . The first goal is to close the contest so that a lessor can come out and then sublet the land to the different projects that have been presented in recent months.

The aim is to sew a tailor-made suit so that Q.E.V. and his hub of electromobility have secured a majority plot as sublessors within the Free Trade Zone and the Montcada i Reixac land. The problem, according to sources familiar with the process, is that legally it is somewhat complicated due to the risk of potential legal challenges by other interested parties in these lands. And this is a red line of the unions, which have tightened from the outset because within the process baptized as ‘reindustrialization’ there is an industrial project and not all the land is divided between the logistics sector. Much more powerful is this at the level of capital and influence.

The contest route delays the operation

The new deadlines are as follows. On Tuesday of next week, the representatives of Silence will hold a meeting with the reindustrialization commission to close the rental of their land. It is a red line for Silence to stay out of the contest process in order to start its activity as soon as possible. If not, they have already threatened to leave and even take their investment out of Catalonia. For him Ministry of Industry retaining Silence has been a priority from the beginning and the unions have expressed this Friday their predisposition to close a satisfactory agreement for all parties.

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And a week later -that is to say, a fortnight from this Friday- the reindustrialization commission will meet again with the objective this time of closing the bases of the contest through which to lease the land to a manager. Then a period of one month would be opened for those interested to present their candidacies. After that month, a term would be closed and another term of another month would be opened so that the reindustrialization commission – made up of Nissan, unions, the Ministry of Industry, the Generalitat de Catalunya and the Consorci de la Zona Franca de Barcelona – decide which of the projects meets the requirements to lease the land.

And once this phase is closed, this lessor would be in charge of subletting the 517,000 square meters that Nissan leaves to the different projects, industrial -such as QEV- and logistics.
