The rehabilitation works of the Portal de la Pau building in the Port of Barcelona have been tendered for 17 million euros

In the context of the revolution that is living in Port of Barcelona for the celebration of Sailing America’s Cupthis Monday the Minister council has given the green light to one of the emblematic works of the Port Vellthe rehabilitation of Portal de la Pau building. The Barcelona Port Authority approved in December to initiate the procedure for these jobswhich will serve for the historic property to house a interpretation Center. The Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda has authorized the contract to be tendered for 17.28 million (VAT excluded) and a calendar of execution of 18 months.

He Pau portalof high cultural and historical value, will become a space to explain to the public how does it work the port of Barcelona and how it contributes to the Catalan economy, as explained in a ministry statement. It will also be used for house offices and other uses of the corporate headquarters. The existing structure will be reinforced to consolidate it and, in addition, the part outer and inner.

Jobs stopped three months

In fact, this comprehensive reform tries to restore the original appearance of the Portal de la Pau, maintaining the original volume and architectural elements of interest, both the sculptural groups of the facade as of the ornaments of the inside. In addition, they have stressed from the department directed by Raquel Sánchez, “the same construction techniques from the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century” with which it was originally built.

The rehabilitation of the building will also include the fitting out a room for holding the sessions of the board of directors of the Port Authority, as well as another for the office of the presidency of the port, which is now located in the World Trade Center. However, the coincidence of the celebration of the sailing competition will mean that the works stop between August 1 and October 31, 2024, when the main activities will take place.

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The Portal de la Pau is a unique building, built between 1903 and 1907, which has a high cultural and historical value. Its façade is crowned by a set of sculptures called “Barcelona protecting the navy and commerce”creation of the renowned Catalan artist Joan Serra Pau.

Originally, it housed a pier of passengers and a restaurant. In 1918 the entire property was converted into official headquarters of the administrative body of the Port of Barcelona, ​​use that was maintained until 2010.
