The reform of Via Laietana will reach justice and confronts the trade with Colau

  • Foment and Barcelona Oberta announce contentious-administrative appeals from part of the sector and the request to stop the works due to their effect on mobility in Barcelona

The renovation of the decadent Via Laietana adds five years of projects, criticisms and counter-projects. But it seemed that the umpteenth version, despite not convincing 100% or its main promoters (merchants and residents of the road and its surroundings), was the option that supposedly integrated more agreed elements, according to the consistory. To the point of getting the green light and a schedule of works already underway. But much of the trade, led by Foment del Treball and Open Barcelona, is dissatisfied with the philosophy of the reform model, which subtracts space from the private vehicle in line with the mobility policy of the Colau era. To the point of announcing contentious-administrative appealsto which the mayor does not see “route”.

The intervention in Via Laietana In recent years, it has provoked agitated debates between all the parties directly or indirectly involved: the interests of its business do not coincide this time with those of the employers’ association of Barcelona Oberta, which caused months ago that the former abandoned that commercial alliance. The intervention did not please cyclists either and collided with the interests of businessmen, who believe that mobility by car along the most central arteries is essential to keep that 57% of foreign buyers, of which a part (especially the rest de Catalunya) arrive in their private vehicle. For this reason, the closure of the street already raised blisters when some roads were closed during the pandemic to promote pedestrian use on the weekend.

This Thursday, the president of Foment del Treball, Josep Sanchez Llibre, has assured that it will file a contentious-administrative appeal before the Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia (TSJC). He has argued that the works would require a modification of the general metropolitan plan due to the magnitude of the actions. “The city council has proposed it as if it were a small reform of works of a local”, he has pointed out.

What is questioned, beyond the details of the project, is that the new design of Via Laietana affect all mobility in Ciutat Vella and Eixample. Sánchez Llibre believes that it will mean that vehicles do not have a road that directly connects Barceloneta with Eixample. “What I don’t like is that to go from Barceloneta to the city center you have to go through Zaragoza; it’s a bit exaggerated, but that’s the way it is”, he indicated.

On Open Barcelona They believe that, due to its impact, the urban transformation will affect the businesses of the major hubs and they criticize the fact that their allegations were rejected, just a few days ago, which has prompted their own contentious appeal. “We agree that the Via Laietana must be reformed and improved, but not on how”, they have pointed out, outraged because they believe that the participatory process has not been such, since “it has not taken into account a good part of the sector among other groups.

On an individual basis, other entities among the 22 that alleged could also go to court (in less than a month the term ends). how Barna Center, where they question many aspects of connectivity. They also believe that the moment is very bad to face works and their impact, after two years of pandemic that have hit the center of Barcelona more than any other neighborhood.

By contrast, from the Association of Vendors and Merchants of Via Laietana, its president, David González, defends that the project -although improvable even for them- was the one that combined more visions, from both sides. He regrets that the intervention could be affected, because the street adds years of decline.

pre-election conflict

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A little over a year before the municipal elections, the mayor Ada Colau has opined that the resource that Foment hopes to present this week will not prosper. “We understand that you may have discrepancies, but this will not be resolved in court. We don’t see any route,” has stated. Colau has added that he will not question the right of “any person, company or group to resort to the courts for any measure”, but has asked Foment to reflect on its position, on which he has regretted that it is critical of the city model that defends the city council.

“They have made very political and very harsh reactions against the ‘superblocks’ and the pacification of schools,” recalled the first mayor, who has defended the professionalism of the consistory when developing the measures. She maintains that they start from the pertinent technical and legal reports, “in an impeccable manner.” According to Colau, the reform is preceded by a process of participation and neighborhood and commercial consensus. “Perhaps Foment is discussing the city model, but we are convinced that the workers will enjoy this reform and this Via Laietana that is more peaceful, more humane and much more pleasant”, he concluded.
