The referendum on the climate leads directly to the total car ban

By Gunnar Schupelius

The referendum on March 26 calls for a 95 percent reduction in total carbon emissions in six and a half years. That’s completely impossible. If you’re still sane, you’ll vote “No,” says Gunnar Schupelius.

On March 26th, all eligible voters in Berlin can cast their vote. No elections are scheduled this time, but the “Referendum Berlin 2030 climate-neutral”.

The reduction of CO2 emissions is up for voting. A law is voted on in a very concrete way. If the referendum is successful, this law will come into force immediately, without going through the House of Representatives.

The referendum is successful if at least 25 percent of those entitled to vote take part and the majority of those voting tick “yes”.

A new version of the Berlin “Climate Protection and Energy Transition Act” is up for voting. This law was passed by the red-red-green coalition on August 27, 2021. “Climate protection goals” are named there.

In the new version that is now being voted on, this becomes “climate protection obligations”. They look like this (§ 3, Para. 1): “In the state of Berlin, the total amount of carbon dioxide emissions will increase by at least 70 percent by 2025 and by at least 95 percent by 2030 compared to the total amount of carbon dioxide emissions in 1990 reduce.”

These obligations are actionable. The relevant associations, from Deutsche Umwelthilfe to Greenpeace, could go to court if the Senate does not comply with the obligations imposed by the referendum.

What would that mean? Very simple: There would be a total car ban, enforced in court. Because 98 percent of motorized private transport is equipped with combustion engines that produce carbon dioxide and cannot reduce these emissions by 95 percent.

It is completely impossible to become “carbon neutral” in six and a half years. For this you would have to do without all combustion processes. Everything is built on them: heat, light, health, industry, agriculture, transport, everything.

Behind the referendum is the “Bündnis Klimaneustart Berlin”, an association of radical and ruthless groups such as “Fridays for Future”, “Gas Exit”, ADFC, “Green Youth”).

They throw dust in people’s eyes when they don’t tell the truth. They are crooks who hope that the majority will not see through what is actually being voted on here.

The referendum is meaningless because it demands the impossible and it is completely insane because the impossible is supposed to become law. Anyone who is still sane in this city will vote “No”.

Is Gunnar Schupelius right? Call: 030/2591 73153 or email: [email protected]

Read all of Gunnar Schupelius’ columns here
