“The referendum becomes another crime”

The general secretary of Together, Jordi Turull, has affirmed that he has not read the small print of the reform of the Penal Code but that, in any case, “obviously dejudicializing does not dejudicialize & rdquor; because the events of 1-O can continue to be the subject of a crime. In addition, he has added that “one thing is what the text says and another what the TC says & rdquor ;. “We have turned the referendum into another crime and this does not have our applause & rdquor ;, he has asserted in an interview on RAC1.

Turull has insisted that these acts “will not go unpunished”, due to his misgivings about the reform, “another thing is that there are excessive penalties”, and has insisted that the rule of law as such “cannot be enjoyed” by the independentistas.

the president of the party, Laura Borras, has also questioned the reform: “Let’s see if the remedy for aggravated public disorder is not worse than the disease of sedition.” And he has continued: “Sánchez plays Sánchez and we will see if he wants to say that 1-O was not sedition but aggravated public disorder.”

Along the same lines, the ‘expresident’ Carles Puigdemont He has defended on Twitter that with the reform of the crime of sedition “nothing would be dejudicialized” because it also contemplates prison sentences.

“If they sentence you to prison for organizing and calling an independence referendum, what difference does it make if it’s 15 years in prison or five: they’re criminalizing a right,” he argued.

Likewise, he has opined that the lower prison sentences constitute an “individual gain” but do not imply an improvement in the political field.

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In addition, Puigdemont has accused Sánchez of being –literally– a master in the art of deception, for which he has advocated reading the small print of the reform very well: “The ‘Sánchez ads’ are never what they seem”has warned.

“If October 2017 ceases to be a case of sedition and becomes a case of aggravated public disorder, I don’t know where the political gain is from it all,” he concluded.
