The referee Aureliano compliments Mourinho: “A great man”

The match director’s comment during the break in Lecce-Roma with the Salento defender Gallo

There is usually nothing strange in receiving compliments from colleagues and insiders, even if they are opponents. Especially if it is a coach of José Mourinho’s caliber who receives the praise. But when does the praise even come from the referee during an official match? The one stolen by Dazn’s cameras in the via del Mare tunnel during the Lecce-Roma interval is a scene that a large part of the Italian public does not seem used to yet. In fact, before returning to the field, race director Gianluca Aureliano let himself go to a consideration referring to the Special One.


After meeting the Portuguese, the whistler of the Bologna section, he let slip aloud a comment that went unnoticed. In fact, the match director, after a brief greeting with Mourinho, turned to Antonino Gallo – Lecce defender – for an opinion on the man and the coach who, during his career, has already won 26 trophies at the helm of a club team: “How many matches has he had? Where has he played football? Tell me… No one becomes so great”. Words of esteem that take on greater value in the light of the heavy criticisms that Mou had addressed to him, both after the match with Venice last season and after the San Siro match with Milan (Aureliano was busy at the Var). Unfortunate precedents, which don’t seem to have affected the referee’s judgment of one of the most successful coaches in the history of modern football.
