The receipt that shows the expensive shock when shopping

By Stephen Peter

MPs call on the Senate to help Berliners in need and to prevent gas and electricity cuts.

Butter, oatmeal and salami are up to 30 percent more expensive. Extremely rising electricity and gas prices. Berliners feel the consequences of inflation in their wallets every day. The House of Representatives discussed what the Senate can do in the face of the price shock on Thursday.

“For many, going to the supermarket is no longer associated with a full shopping basket, but with fear,” said Green MP Taylan Kurt (34). “Fear of not making ends meet.”

Then he showed the receipt to his sister, a single parent from Moabit. “110 euros for a week’s shopping for a mother and her ten-year-old child. There is no detergent here, nor meat, nor alcohol, nor delicatessen items.”

Like many other single parents, his sister could barely make ends meet, says Kurt. He was present at a food distribution by the DRK in Marzahn, hundreds had queued for hours.

“Hungry people – these conditions are unacceptable for a city like Berlin!” In addition, the Greens politician called on the Senate to protect all Berliners from power and gas cuts.

“It must not be that people freeze in their apartments because they have no money,” said SPD MP Jörg Stroedter (68). “I therefore expect that the energy suppliers will not implement power and gas cuts in debt, but suspend them.”

Tobias Bauschke FDP, 35) called for “to refrain from everything that drives up prices and burdens people”. The increase in taxes and fees is wrong.
