The reason why the ITV want to use the cameras that the Town Halls have in the streets

On at 1:20 p.m.


The objective is to control those cars that have not passed the inspection

Strange as it may seem, Many cars circulate without the ITV in order on Spanish roads. This, in addition to incurring a penalty or fine, is a danger to other drivers or pedestrians. For example, some studies indicate that the absence of inspection is responsible for almost 150 deaths from accidents per year. How does the ITV want to control this problem now?

The Spanish Association of Collaborating Entities of the Administration in the Technical Inspection of Vehicles, better known as AECA-ITVhas sent a formal request to the Town Halls to be able to control the cameras of the Low Emission Zones to detect those vehicles that have expired ITV and be able to penalize them.

Guillermo Magazmanaging director of AECA-ITV, explained that in addition to controlling vehicle access with an environmental sticker, as is being done, it must be ensured that those passenger cars (or vehicles in general) that circulate through the ZBE have the ITV in forcesince the inspections identify the vehicles that emit pollutants above regulatory limits.

Having the ITV in force we understand that it should be a prerequisite for access to ZBE“, says the manager, sending a message to the municipalities so that they can be given control of their cameras and be able to start fining.
