the reason why people spray their clothes with russian liqueur

04/16/2023 at 11:00 a.m.


All the amazing cleaning applications of this alcoholic drink

Giving too much vodka is not good. It’s clear or at least you have to be clear, with regard to the intake of this alcoholic beverage of Russian origin. But if we talk about other different applications, giving vodka is not that it is not harmful, but that it is beneficial. And this is where its multiple functions come in for cleaning tasks and proper maintenance of the home.

The vodka has a remarkable percentage of alcohol, which makes it a good disinfectant. But at the same time it has other properties for cleaning the house and many of its elements, as it happens with the potato, a tuber from whose fermentation this liquor usually comes.

The many applications of vodka in your home

Vodka is tremendously useful for your home. It is an amazing product that can help you a lot. One of those tricks that few know but that are highly effective. The same goes for applications of bay leaves or, of course, vinegar. Also with other somewhat strange methods, such as putting a roll of toilet paper in the fridge.

The truth is that the properties of vodka help a lot in household chores. If you ran out of the product to clean glass and windowsyou can always spray these surfaces with Russian liqueur through a sprayer, or wet the cloth with it. It is a highly effective way to remove stains and soap scum.

Likewise, vodka serves to leave as new your jewelry that needs a review, or even to remove stickers or labels that have left their adhesive residue on a surface. They are other of its applications.

Spray vodka on clothes and shoes

But one of its best properties is to trap and eliminate unwanted odors. It is for this reason that there are people who resort to vodka to spray, with a spray and in a measured way, your clothes that give off an unwanted aroma. Then you have to let it dry and almost magically many of those odors will disappear.

there are also people who repeats the same practice with sneakers and footwear when they smell bad, or who resorts to vodka for washing your towels and that they always smell good. In any case, you can include vodka in your daily household routines… But you must always consume it in moderation.
