the reason for the absence of Nuria Roca

05/01/2023 at 12:14


The collaborator took the reins of the format on Sunday, April 30

In full bridge of May 1, ‘The rock’ He did not miss his appointment with the spectators yesterday afternoon. However, the audience found an atypical delivery of the format, since it started without its main presenter on the set. For this reason, Juan del Val took the reins of the program and explained the reason for the absence of Nuria Roca.

“Tomorrow is a holiday throughout Spain, on Tuesday also in Madrid, but here we are all at the foot of the canyon,” the presenter began by saying before qualifying: “Well, not all of them, because Nuria is missing”.

“She’s hot”clarified Juan del Val, who joked when remembering the previous occasion in which Roca did not go to his job: “Or so he says, because… do you remember that the last time he missed it was also a long weekend?”.

Already at the collaborators table, the writer sent a message to his wife to wish her a speedy recovery: “A kiss, Nuria. Get well a lot, on Sunday we want to see you here after the bridge.”

Despite not being able to attend the show that he presents every Sunday on laSexta, Nuria Roca did not miss the program from homeas he shared on his Instagram account.
