the reaction of the US, NATO and the press

The Ukrainian night is quiet, but American journalists cannot sleep. Waiting for their own invention invasion we did not close our eyes until dawn in the Lviv (who would have thought) CNN studio. Every hour they waited for the switching on from the Kiev roof, where, apparently, they climbed in order to get a better look at the Russian tanks.

“Our correspondents are on the ground in Ukraine, Moscow and Washington right now to cover this story that keeps the world on its toes…” CNN broadcasts.

All this hysteria was started by the White House. Then she was passed on to the press, and now, it turns out, she has returned. That’s appeal about Ukraine in the morning it was not listed in Joe Biden’s schedule, but in the afternoon, apparently, they remembered that the very same February 16 was on the nose. A day that, with the help of leaks, in Washington some time ago began to pass off as the day the war began. As a result, the US president nevertheless went to address the American nation and was so carried away that he turned to two at once. To the Russian one too.

“The states and NATO do not pose a threat to Russia. Neither does Ukraine. Neither the US nor NATO has missiles in Ukraine. And there are no plans to deploy them there. We do not target the people of Russia and do not seek to destabilize Russia. Addressing the citizens of Russia You are not our enemies,” Biden said.

However, Biden’s warm words were immediately taken back. And several times. And when he said that he did not see signs of de-escalation at the border – although Russian troops officially returning from training. And when he again threatened Russia with sanctions. We are talking about banks and Nord Stream-2, which the American president again threatened to stop inexplicably. Of the pluses – the announced course for diplomacy.

“President Putin and I agreed that our representatives should work alongside European partners and allies to work towards a diplomatic solution to the situation. Yesterday, the Russian government publicly offered to continue diplomacy, I agree that we should use every diplomatic opportunity. The United States put forward concrete ideas to establish security in Europe. We propose new measures on arms control, on transparency and on strategic stability. These measures will apply both to all NATO parties and to Russia,” Joe Biden concluded.

The topics Biden listed are important, but the most important topic concerns NATO’s advance towards Russia’s borders. And there are no moves here. Jen Psaki was specially specified at the briefing.

– The German Chancellor said today that Ukraine’s accession to NATO is not on the agenda. Would you also characterize it from the White House side? the journalist asked.

– I think you heard the president, and that he said that the United States’ point of view is that nations have the right to sovereignty, to territorial integrity, to the freedom to determine their own course and choose who they side with. Therefore, we, the United States, will never pressure any country to join or not join a global alliance,” Jen Psaki replied.

The fact that the West has been putting pressure on Ukraine in the last few weeks without hesitation, trying to convince them of the inevitability of a Russian invasion, does not bother any of them. But there is no war, and NATO Secretary General needs change on the fly.

“We are now seeing that Russia has the potential for a full-scale invasion of Ukraine. But there may also be other types of aggressive actions, more limited military intervention, subversion, attempts to overthrow the government of Ukraine, or large and very destructive cyber attacks. We must be prepared for all this. And we also need to be able to identify and actually hold Russia accountable, even if it does something that is not a full-blown invasion,” said Jens Stoltenberg.

Before Stoltenberg had time to intimidate with Russian cyberattacks, unknown hackers attacked and took down the websites of the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense, the Armed Forces of Ukraine, as well as several large banks. An amazing match. In cyberspace, it is easiest to fight under a false flag. And there can be sanctions. The Republicans are right there with their own.

“I hope the administration is not going to wait until the invasion starts to tighten the screws and impose real sanctions on the Russians. It may be quite late now,” said Mitch McConnell, Republican leader in the US Senate.

Political opponents who are so eager to participate, Biden, however, has already warned everyone in the same address. Anti-Russian sanctions of the West against the West can hit. For example, rising gasoline prices. But Republicans don’t mind. Even vice versa. This is another blow to the rating of the American president.

The bill introduced by the Republicans does not contain anything new. Angry Democrats called it one-party posturing. Take, for example, the title “On the Uncompromising Defense of the European Territory.” In the English version, the abbreviation of the name – NYET – is pronounced like the Russian “no” with an American accent.


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