The reaction of a 16-year-old Ukrainian on the podium – Russia was completely outraged

The Russians wondered about the reaction of the young Ukrainians.

Violetta Sierova and Ivan Khobta competed in Espoo in January. Kimmo Brandt / AOP

The reaction of young Ukrainian figure skaters towards their Russian-born competitors at the weekend of the ISU Junior Grand Prix series in Budapest, Hungary has attracted international attention.

Ukrainians Violetta Sierova and Ivan Khobta finished second in pair skating with 153.77 points. The competition was overwhelmingly won by the couple representing Georgia Anastasia MetelkinaLuka Berulavawhich collected 190.45 points.

At the award ceremony, Metelkina and Berulova tried to hug the Ukrainian athletes, who, however, did not respond to the gesture in any way. Earlier, the winning pair had hugged the third-placed Canadians.

The reason for the reaction of the Ukrainians is that Metelkina and Berulova were born in Russia and train in the country Eteri Tutberidzen in the team.

The case has made rounds in Russia.

– Let’s go to hell! champion coach Tatiana Tarasova said the Russian to Ria Novosti Sport24’s by.

– Politics should not be mixed with sports. They should be disqualified for breaking the rules of the competition, and the matter will be resolved, Tarasova continued.

Olympic champion in speed skating, current politician Svetlana Zhurova called the incident absurd.

– It looks ugly. It is wrong to mix elements of politics with sports. First they don’t greet Russians, and now they don’t Congratulate Georgians. What next? said the honorary vice-president of the International Skating Union Alexander Lakernik.

Sierova, a 16-year-old figure skater from Ukraine who fell victim to a brutal war of aggression, described her own feelings in a post she published on Instagram on February 24.

– Exactly one year ago, a war started in my country. Exactly one year our people have died. This war has taken too many lives, too many families… They will never come back. Millions of people have left for other countries. I haven’t lived in my home country for a year. I want to go home. I know that every Ukrainian wants that.

In the letter, Sierova requested that Russia and Vladimir Putin would be stopped.

– I haven’t seen my father and brother for a year. Help me. Help the Ukrainians. Please help Ukraine. Stop the war. Kudos to Ukraine!

Sierova’s partner Khobta is 20 years old.
