The rally car sank into the water – Drivers inside

Johannes Keferböck’s car derailed into a pool of water.

Rally driver Johannes Keferböck51, and his co-driver Ilka Minor, 48, experienced every motorist’s nightmare when their rally car sank into the water in the middle of the race.

The Austrian Keferböck was driving a traditional Jännerallye competition in his home country when his driver left the glove in snowy weather.

The car slid into the pool of water on the outside edge of the bend and began to sink. The video shot by the viewer shows how people started running to the pool in distress.

Fortunately for everyone, the two drivers got out of the car quickly and onto the surface of the water. According to rally site Dirtfish, they are fine.

The water pool was surrounded only by a wooden fence, pieces of which floated in the pool with the car. Naturally, the horsey fence couldn’t hold anything for the heavy game.
