The Queen of Coca refuses to testify in her trial at the National High Court


Act at 13:51


Ana Maria Cameno, known as the Queen of Coca, has availed herself of her right not to declare in the trial that began this Tuesday against her derived from her arrest in 2014 with her ex-partner when she allegedly directed the distribution of 100 kilos of cocaine in Spain.

Dressed completely in white, the queen of coca has sat on the bench of the National Court to face the 25 years in prison requested for her by the Anti-Drug Prosecutor for crimes against public health, money laundering and illegal possession of weapons. She has been the third, of the thirteen defendants in total for these events, to be called to testify before the court of the second section of the Criminal Court of the National High Court that is judging her after several postponements since January 2020, date on which was first noted.

cameno, found on parolelimited herself to announcing that she was not going to testify and the president of the court, José Antonio Mora, then allowed her to leave the room, to which she replied that she was going to stay and said goodbye with a polite “thank you, Good Morning”.

In addition to the prison sentence, the prosecutor asks for her and her ex-partner a fine “of four times the value of the narcotic substance” and another of 1.2 million euros for money laundering.

This trial has been postponed numerous timesone of them because Cameno was hospitalized and the last one was this Monday due to the absence of a lawyer and the ex-partner of the main accused when she was arrested, José Ramón MP This motivated the court to order a search and arrest warrant and immediate imprisonment of this process, for which the Public Ministry requests 21 years in prison for crimes against public health, money laundering and illegal possession of weapons.

Along with the queen of coca, six others arrested in Madrid, Cádiz, Alicante and Valladolid as a result of Cameno’s arrest have been sitting on the bench since Tuesday, and face 13 years in prison. Five other people linked to laundering the money obtained from the sale of the drug are also accused, for whom sentences of 4 and 5 years are requested.

This operation entailed the dismantling of a drug network of which Cameno was the ringleader and that he had set up a structure to launder profits in financial products and through transfers to Panama.

According to the provisional conclusions of the prosecutor, the investigation began in 2013 after detecting that Cameno, who had already been linked to different drug trafficking operations, “continued to develop” this type of activity. “He maintained regular contacts both with suppliers and with those in charge of transport”, while his partner “was in charge of the payments corresponding to the sales of this substance, as well as the contacts with the network that would guarantee the concealment” of the profits, the prosecutor states in his brief.
