The quadripartite government of Badalona conspires to prevent Albiol from being mayor

Candidates for mayor of badalona that make up the municipal government conspire to reissue the pact that allowed the removal of the mayor from Xavier Garcia Albiol in 2021. The mayors of PSC, CKD, Badalona In Comú Podem and together have shown harmony in the debate organized by the ‘Catalan News Agency‘ (ACN) on the occasion of 28-M, marked by the absence of the candidate of the PPand where the current mayor, Ruben Guijarro (PSC), and the ERC candidate, Àlex Montornèshave set a profile to lead the future government.

All the candidates have made self-criticism and have lamented the administrative paralysis of the consistory, with the commitment to reverse the situation. The most coincident proposal goes through expand the posts of area managers and decentralize citizen service offices. The current mayor has defined himself as the only one capable of disputing the mayoralty Albiol: “I am humbly the only person capable of getting enough support to be mayor of the cityand it is a great responsibility that I want to exercise”, said Rubén Guijarro.

In this sense, he has highlighted the good understanding between the 12 councilors who have configured the local executive, a relationship that the Junts candidate has also highlighted, david torrents, who has claimed to be proud to have been part of the executive. “The PSC candidate is the one with the best chance of continuing because he is the one who has worked the hardest,” he pointed out, despite reproaching him that on certain occasions “he has not led enough” to bring order to the government.

Torrents stressed that understanding is necessary to “prevent fascism from ruling the city.” He has also sent a direct message to the candidate of Guanyem Badalona En comú, Dolors Sabater: “I felt bad that you were not in the motion of censure.”

The mayor of CKD, Àlex Montornèsmarks his own profile as a candidate to lead the alternative government from 28-M, putting his role on the table to make the city progress and make the candidates who have been raised mayors, from Dolors Sabater to Rubén Guijarro: “Yes, ERC leads the left, We will ask for the same thing that we have given to the other parties“, he highlighted.

From Badalona En Comú Podem, Aïda Llauradó has highlighted the good functioning of the executive, despite the fact that there were parties, and even people from her own formation, who did not see it clearly when the agreement was signed. “Our vote is useful because it is insurance for there to be a progressive left-wing government”, he stressed, pointing out that the negotiations after the elections will have to be “proportional” to the results obtained.

Self-criticism for administrative paralysis

On the modernization of the City Hall, all forces have agreed on lament the administrative paralysis. have come to light constant reproaches crossed among the candidates. A good part of which have promised to open paperwork management offices in the different districts to prevent everything from going through the Viver. Guanyem, badalona sum and the PSC are the ones that have made the most banner of this proposal.

From the PSC, Rubén Pebble He has admitted that the administration “is not up to the task” of the city’s needs and has stated that “the internal structure of the City Council should not be at the center of the neighborhood debate.” The candidate for re-election has announced a game of 10 million to expedite the operation of the consistory to make it “closer, more modern, digital and decentralized”. It has been proposed to reduce the time for granting an activity license by 50% and leave the delivery period for a permit to carry out a major work in less than 6 months.

In the same line, CKD ha regretted that he neighborhood “have to be aware of how the council is organized internally” and has predicted that it will take “two or three terms” to establish structural changes. Àlex Montornes ha attributed the delay of the administration to the management of the PP when he entered the government in 2011 and he has drawn his chest from the recent hiring of the heads of Human Resources and the general secretary, as well as the stabilization process of various interim workers and the call for the position of municipal manager.

More penetrating has been david torrents (Junts), which has ensured that many of the electoral promises border on “deception”, taking into account the current situation of the consistory. “We are promising investments that we are unable to fulfill,” she snapped, reproaching that the political instability of the last decade has made “constantly losing moneywhich has generated the perfect collapse”. Torrents has called for understanding between the different formations and has announced the intention of reformulate from top to bottom the internal structure of the Viver.

From guanyem, Saturday He has vindicated the diagnosis on internal functioning commissioned two terms ago and has stressed that already in 2019 a manager position was foreseen which is barely unraveling at the end of this mandate. Sabater has assured that modernization is “an essential part and a sure commitment” of his training.

For his part, Alex Romero He has been the most critical candidate with the administration in recent years and has urged all parties to “avoid almost schizophrenic block politics“. Romero has asked to reinvest in internal organization part of the surplus of 50 million euros per year and has vindicated Badalona Suma’s commitment to “citizen participation, transparency and the review of the organization chart”.

From Badalona In Comú Podem, Aïda Llauradó He has criticized the “decomposition” in which the consistory finds itself, and has especially lamented the delay in unraveling the call for the position of City Council manager, a fact that he has attributed to a “lack of political priority“In the same line, he has criticized that not all the posts for area managers proposed by his formation have been convened.

Security, from the street to homes

The security and the security perception that the people of Badalona have has centered part of the debate, where the name of the former mayor Albiol has also marked part of the interventions. He has been pointed out as responsible for being the speaker of a perception that does not correspond to reality, according to the candidate of the PSC, Ruben Guijarro. “There are some who illuminate and put security at the center of the debate, and they are absent from the debates, and It is not the same to illuminate problems and stir up panic than to work“said the current mayor.

In this sense, bet to improve the body of the Urban Guard, in terms of the number of troops and in terms of technology and means, with a command room “at the height” and cameras, both on the street and on the uniforms of the police officers. So, has demanded more troops from the Generalitat of the Mossos d’Esquadra in the city.

From ERC, Àlex Montornès has ensured that they pose “a new mixed police station that integrates the Urban Guard and the Mossos d’Esquadra in Floridablanca“, which would integrate 50 new agents in the package of 300 workers that it would need. The proposal is accompanied by a commitment to the community police.

Critical of this approach has been his government partner and candidate for Junts, David Torrents, which he described as “Ruffian politics“, in reference to the controversy over the electoral promise of the Republicans to create a residence for the elderly in Santa Coloma if ERC governs the city from 28-M. “The Rufiana policy arrives in Badalona, Why don’t they say before that they will make another police station?”, he said, pointing out as a proposal the unification of the local and municipal police with Mossos to improve security in the metropolitan environment.

From Guanyem Badalona In Comú, Dolors Sabater has recalled the work done when he led the mayor’s office, referring to the fact that the 2018 barometer rated the security success story highly. “The Department of Security faced the insecurities that people have, such as have no home, sleep in the street, have no energy and that it can even lead to the house burning down”, he highlighted.

The candidate of Badalona In Comú Podem, Aïda Llauradóhas highlighted the need for work for the whole populationwith special emphasis on people most vulnerable, such as older people, children who are starting to walk alone on the street or women. “The debate is which is the best model”, and she has advocated promoting the community police in neighborhoods, schools and shops.

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The mayor of Badalona Suma, Alex Romerohas also defended drive real action, beyond the protocols, especially in those neighborhoods “beyond the C-31”, he pointed out. “This needs to be translated into measures and concrete cases on the street”, assuring that community policing “is like a rainbow”considering that one day it is and the next, it is not.

The current mayor Ruben Guijarrohas sentenced with spoken of security, especially of women: “I will not rest for a minute until the women can go down the street calmly and that the young people can go out calmly”. In this sense, the candidate of Badalona En Comú Podem has also spoken, Aïda Llauradó: “As a woman, mother and daughter, We women have to feel safe in public spaces, in a shopping center, on a street or in our homes.“.
