The puzzle of the FC Barcelona goalkeepers, pending Neto

06/17/2022 at 09:48


The departure of the Brazilian would cause a ‘domino effect’ that would allow Iñaki Peña to establish himself definitively in the first team and a new role for Arnau Tenas

But if Neto Murara stays, it is when the transfers will have to return and in the case of the subsidiary, the transfers or even the terminations

Neto approaches Arsenal and if the operation comes to fruition, It would uncover the situation that the rest of Barça’s goalkeepers are going through right now, excluding Ter Stegen, in the first team, but also in the subsidiary. An exit that was already expected to arrive in previous markets and since it was not done, Iñaki Peña, his most direct competitor, had to leave on loan to Galatasaray. But the man from Alicante has already returned from his Turkish adventure, the days go by and the problem of the goalkeepers is still there, stagnant.

Iñaki Peña now has to be Ter Stegen’s second

If Neto Murara, who arrived at Barça in the 2019 market, leaves Barça after three seasons in the shadow of Ter Stegen, who would take his place would be Iñaki Peña, who should no longer seek another loan. The man from Alicante, despite all the hopes that have been placed, has not even made his debut in an official match with the first team and his debut at the Camp Nou had to be with another shirt, that of Galatasaray. But if Neto stays, It would not make sense to be Xavi’s third again and the first of the subsidiary with 23 years and a long time waiting to make the final leap.

Arnau Tenas, transfer or more protagonism

The case of Arnau Tenas is somewhat different, since Osona managed to be the third goal of the first team and the first of the reserve team when Iñaki Peña headed for Turkey. If Neto leaves and Peña stays, his situation does not change excessively, but he could count on a greater role and not having to distribute minutes in the subsidiary. Another option that is being considered is to go out on loan to have minutes in a category higher than the First RFEF and not run the risk of a goalkeeper with a great future being ‘paralyzed’ and who, at 19, has even been summoned with the absolute of the Spanish team.

Carevic, a difficult continuity; Nil Ruiz and Arnau Rafús, waiting

The one who is already an absolute international is Lazar Carevic, but the Montenegrin would only have a place in the event that Neto leaves and the dominoes move. And even so, he would need some more gear, because the club has signed Nil Ruiz, from Damm, for the subsidiary and with a view to having minutesand will renew Arnau Rafús, although in this case a transfer could be contemplated taking into account that in recent months he could not finish his youth stage on the pitch due to a Crusader injury that forced him to undergo surgery.

Álex Ruiz, without options, and Coke Carrillo, an uncertain return

Álex Ruiz was registered in the last winter market for Barça B, he took advantage of precisely the record that Iñaki Peña left free, but the former Damm player, who acted as the subsidiary’s third goalkeeper, only had the opportunity in the last League game , a good performance in La Condomina against UCAM Murcia. Even so, the ‘overbooking’ under sticks hardly gives him a renewal option that would allow him to continue in the team.

Coke Carrillo, from Pontevedra, does have a valid contract, specifically until 2024, which he renewed last summer and went on loan to Celta. He was the third goalkeeper of the first team, but he did not have minutes and neither with the subsidiary of Primera RFEF. He now returns with many difficulties to gain a foothold and already dreams for Pontevedra, recently promoted to the new bronze category. Many cases to solve, and that in one way or another, depend on Neto.
