The psychologist gave Sointu Borg direct words about male taste

Sointu Borgin kirjasta Röyhkeästi rohkea – Kuinka haistattaa asialliset vitut julkaistiin uusi versio.

Sointu Borg is known as an outspoken and flamboyant person. Jenni Gästgivar

Diili winner and media personality from Sointu Borg’s book Brashly Bold – How to smell the real shit a new version was published on April 27.

The book was first published in the fall of 2022 as an audio version, and now a new hardcover version of the book has been published by Supla. There is more content in the new release.

A psychologist’s concussion

The new version delves more into Borg’s male history before his current partner.

– But these men do have something in common. You are the unifying factor, the psychologist told Borg, updating him on his bad luck with men.

The psychologist’s words stayed in Borg’s mind. For a long time, Borg blamed other people for the bad luck in his love life. He also blamed it on bad luck. It didn’t occur to Borg that the problems were caused by himself and his own choices. Borg realized that he was attracted to a certain type of man with “mystique and untamed ruggedness”.

– Why would I intentionally bring myself heartache? Nut crazy.


Borg also boldly talks about being jealous of other public figures and influencers before Deal– his victory.

Borg says that he browsed social media and tabloids, where

– I sink so low that next I dive into Jodel to find out if something nasty is written about these successful people there. Maybe I’ll feel better if I find out that their lives aren’t so perfect after all, he says.

Borg then says that he became aware of the situation and woke up from his “fucking whores”.

– I’m a terrible and bitter jealous mother-in-law! Why the hell do I find pleasure in looking online for nasty comments from people I don’t even know?

Admitting his own jealousy hurt, but it helped Borg calm down.

Sointu Borg won Nelonen Dealprogram in 2021. Since then, Borg has been in the public eye as a social media influencer and podcast host.

In the video, Sointu Borg explains how to recognize a good friend.
