The PSOE will knock down the amendments to the Budgets of Podemos, ERC and Bildu that shielded the Catalan rental law

  • The socialists cling to a report by the lawyers of Congress that indicates that the initiatives exceed the budgetary scope

The PSOE has already announced that it will strike down the amendments to the State’s general budgets that United We Can, ERC and EH Bildu registered to regulate rents and shield the Catalan norm that annulled the constitutional Court. The Minister of Finance, Maria Jesus Monterohas announced in the corridors of Congress that his formation will vote against the processing of the four initiatives that sought to introduce in the Public Accounts next year the most essential aspects of the housing law, blocked in the Lower House for more than six months.

The project of Budgets, beyond the state of income and expenses of the accounts of the next year, it can accommodate other types of legislative changes. However, the lawyers of Congress have issued a report according to which the content of these four amendments is unrelated to budget matters. Montero has explained that his training will oppose the processing of the initiatives following the legal report. Thus, the votes of PSOE and of PPwho will also vote against, will prevent the amendments from being discussed in the Committee on Budgets.

The content

Through the amendments, purples, Catalan and Aberza Republicans sought to offer a legal umbrella to the Catalan rental law. In March of this year, the Constitutional Court annulled a part of this rule, approved in 2020, which limited the rental price. The TC understood that the Parliament could not legislate on contracting in civil matters. That is to say, that he could not enter to order about the rental contracts.

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The intention was to include an additional provision in the urban lease law so that the autonomous communities that are competent in matters of housing and civil law, as is the case of Catalonia, can “can fully regulate urban lease contractsThus, the norm would be protected.

The other three amendments attempted to introduce the main measures of the housing law, such as the limitation to abusive increases in rental prices in areas declared as a stressed market. They also intended to include a system of tax benefits for those who lower prices. All this will have to be pending the negotiation of the housing law now that the socialists are going to knock down this other possible way. Sources from the Ministry of Housing explain that the talks are still underway.
