The PSOE insists on linking Feijóo with the drug trafficker Marcial Dorado: “He sails in murky waters”

The PSOE has spent several days remembering the photo of Alberto Núñez Feijóo with the drug dealer purple martial at the slightest opportunity. Taken at some point in the 1990s, and released in 2013, the image shows the now PP leader on a boat, sunbathing with Dorado. Sometimes, the mentions of this meeting are direct. “He better start offering information about why he took photos with a drug trafficker,” said the parliamentary spokesman for the Socialists, Patxi Lopez, in early March. Other times they are implicit. As in the last control session, when Pedro Sanchez He said: “We can have a stowaway on the ship, but when that happens, we immediately lower him ashore. And I’ll tell you more: when I get on a boat, the first thing I do is check who the skipper is. And I think you understand me.”

Or like this Monday, after the PSOE executive. “Is very worrying the normality with which Mr. Feijóo navigates in such murky waters & rdquor ;, said the party spokesperson and Minister of Education, Pilar Alegria.

At a time when they appear behind the PP in most polls, with the ‘Mediator case’ implicating a socialist deputy for corruption who was quickly removed and with the schism for the ‘only yes is yes’ leading to tension in the coalition to unknown limits, the PSOE attack more than ever to Feijóo. Not only because of their past ties, but also because of their attitude towards scandals who continue to hover over the popular ranks.

“His great milestone is the lack of transparency and forcefulness before the facts and questions that haunt the PP. The more there are, the more scandalous the silence in which Mr. Feijóo is hiding & rdquor ;, Alegría has continued, insisting on a thesis that has also caused the popular to go down into the mud, already in full electoral climate, despite the fact that there are still two and a half months left for the regional and municipal of May 28.

Last Friday, the PP’s Institutional Vice-Secretary, Esteban González Pons, He spoke on RNE about the “father-in-law’s houses of prostitution & rdquor; of Sanchez. Pons was referring to some conversations recorded years ago by the ex-commissioner Jose Manuel Villarejo in which he informed the PP of the alleged business of this type by the father of the wife of the President of the Government. Even so, Feijóo himself has criticized answers like Pons’s on Monday. “Given the logical concern [de los miembros del Gobierno]They will try to destabilize us. And I assure you that our recipe is the tranquillity. We are not going to fall for any provocation and when I say no provocation it is none,” he told the leadership of his party.

The situation of García Albiol

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In his appearance from the socialist headquarters, Alegría launched some questions to Feijóo. For example, about Xavier Garcia Albiol, former mayor of Badalona and candidate of the PP in the metropolitan city on March 28, whom the prosecution is demanding two years and 10 months in prison for prevarication. “Is Albiol still Feijóo’s head adviser? Are you still a member of the PP? & rdquor ;, he inquired. or about Jorge Fernandez Diaz, former Minister of the Interior, who is exposed to 15 years in prison after being accused by the public prosecutor of spying on the former treasurer of his party, Luis Barcenas. “Are you continuing as a PP militant? & rdquor ;, asked Alegría, who has also insisted on the alleged closeness of Feijóo with Vox, since the PP will abstain, instead of voting against, in the motion of censure registered by the far-right formation, which will be debated in Congress next week.

On the clash within the Government between the PSOE and Unidas Podemos as a result of the law of ‘only yes is yes’, instead, the minister has barely said anything. socialists they avoid answering the reproaches of their partners purple. Instead, they insist on the fruits of the coalition, which has managed to approve more than 200 laws during these three years of legislature, Alegría recalled.
