The PSOE courts the PNV to be able to save the labor reform with Cs if the left enrocha

  • The secretary of Organization and the spokesman in Congress meet this Thursday in Bilbao with the nationalist leadership to seek, at the very least, their abstention

  • The flexibility of the Basque training is key so that Sánchez can be useful Cs support. United We Can insist on agreeing only with partners

Fifteen days to vote in Congress on the labor reform. The partners of the Government have already left the margins of negotiation black on white. What are they willing to give up and what are they not? But the limits have also been outlined by the PSOE and United We Can. The purples have their sights only on the parliamentary left, and they admit that small changes can be incorporated. But Pedro Sánchez has transferred, through his team, that he does not want any change in the decree, which is a priority “preserve“The agreement reached with employers and unions as it is, without subsequently introducing amendments, and for this it explores the paths with the investiture bloc, but without disdaining Ciudadanos.

But for the sum with the oranges to be operational, the Executive needs at least the abstention of the six PNV deputies. A movement that will try this Thursday, at a meeting in Bilbao. Just the day after slam of the door and the resounding warning of CKD: won’t accept text “as is” or vote”personal projects“. An unequivocal message addressed to the second vice president and head of Labor, Yolanda Díaz.

The socialist spokesman in Congress, Héctor Gómez, and the party’s Organization Secretary, Santos Cerdán, hold a working lunch with the president of the ‘jeltzale’ party, Andoni Ortuzar, and with his representative in the lower house, Aitor Esteban. Lunch in which the four will be accompanied by the new leader of the PSE, Eneko Andueza, and his head of the apparatus, Miguel Angel Morales. Later, Gómez, Andueza and Morales meet with the general secretaries in Euskadi of the UGT and CCOO, Raúl Arza and Loli García. In Ferraz they remember that in November the head of the apparatus and the spokesman met with the two Basque leaders in Madrid, and agreed to “visit” them. But the interview in Bilbao takes place in a climate that the socialists interpret as more favorable: they appreciate a certain “relaxation” in the position of the PNV.

In the environment of the president they insist that the text agreed with businessmen and unions must be “preserved”

The Basque nationalists demand that the priority of the autonomous agreements be recognized, but this week Esteban admitted that “the base is done”. “The agreement”, he pointed out, “in a large percentage, is done, but some small modifications are assumable and they do not break the core of the pact and they should get ahead”. “Let’s see what the PNV proposes to us. We see them with another attitude”, they indicate in the socialist address to this newspaper.

The CEOE hardens its position

The PSOE pursues the abstention or the favorable vote of the Ortuzar formation, and also that it opposes the processing of the reform as a bill, which if successful would mean the incorporation of changes. This point is key for Sánchez: does not want to lose the bosses under any circumstances, and this warned this Wednesday not only that it will not accept touching “a comma” of the agreed text, but that if there are modifications it will not sit down at any more negotiating table, just as reported ‘El Periódico de España’. “Must preserve the decree as it is. That is our commitment,” sources from the environment closest to Sánchez in the Government insisted early in the day.

With the abstention of the PNV and the yes of Cs, the Government could add 171 supports, more than the 167 noes of the right, ERC and Bildu

PSOE and United We Can add 154 votes in Congress, one less due to the unfilled vacancy of the Canarian deputy Alberto Rodríguez. The abstention of the PNV would allow both, if necessary, to carry out the reform with the yes of the nine deputies of Cs and the support of other small formations, even with the no of ERC and Bildu, the two toughest partners. The socialists point out that they would have the support of the PDECat (4), Teruel Exists (1), the Canary Coalition (1), Nueva Canarias (1), the Regionalist Party of Cantabria (1) and, at least, the abstention of Más País ( 2), Compromís (1) and UPN (2). Yeses (171) and abstentions that would add up to more than the 167 noes of PP (89), Vox (52), Junts (4), CUP (2), BNG (1) and former Cs Pablo Cambronero and also ERC ( 13) and Bildu (5).

With that combination, the test would be passed. But it is not the amount that the purples are after. Diaz’s team rejects that in the equation between Cs, and they are convinced that their yes would drive away other formations. And that, in any case, their support would be bread for today and hunger for tomorrow, since there are two years left in the legislature, many (social) laws to be passed and that must necessarily come out of the Cortes with the support of the parliamentary left. “Time to time. There are 15 days left, and there are many days. It is now when the negotiation has entered. And that the PSOE is clear that we are also in that negotiation. We want to square the circle with the partners”, they reply in the circle of the vice president to this newspaper.

Just “makeup”

The Minister of the Presidency, Félix Bolaños, has not yet spoken with Ciudadanos, but he has been commissioned by the president to do so with all the groups. The strategy of the majority shareholder, therefore, goes through pressure, by the wear and tear of its interlocutors, by rushing deadlines. And having the Inés Arrimadas menu available automatically lowers the price of ERC. The Republicans launched a very resounding warning this Wednesday: there is room to achieve a pact on labor reform, said Gabriel Rufián in Congress, but they will not accept the decree “as is” nor the commitment of the Executive to assume their demands for later.

“That Yolanda’s great project comes out with the support of Cs makes her a huge mess,” slides a socialist leader

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“It’s not mania, it’s memory. What we don’t close now we won’t do later,” he assured, reports EFE. In other words, if there are no changes in the wording, the ERC would vote against it. Rufián accused the Executive of “blackmail” and called it a “lie” that he had been negotiating with them during Christmas, because the talks only began two days ago, and with the Empelo Secretary of State, Joaquín Pérez Rey. “They have devoted themselves to put pressure on our environment, not to negotiate“. The independence formation insists that the reform is only “make-up“. The spokesman sent a message to the vice president: “ERC does not negotiate or vote personal projects, because perhaps this is a personal project of Yolanda Díaz”.

And it is that the head of Labor also has a lot at stake in the approval of her star reform, the one that will embody her mandate. And a socialist leader slips this reflection: “That Yolanda’s great project comes out with the support of Cs makes a huge mess“.



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