The PSOE and Junts stagnate and do not foresee an imminent agreement

11/03/2023 at 16:22


The agreement for the investiture of Pedro Sánchez is possible, but right now it is stuck on technical issues

The talks in Brussels between the PSOE and Junts per Catalunya, led by Santos Cerdan and Carles Puigdemont, They are slower than initially anticipated. Sources from both parties agree on the diagnosis: the agreement for the investiture of Pedro Sanchez It is possible, and progress continues to achieve it, but right now it is stuck in technical issues that they have not wanted to detail for the moment. Expectations of an imminent pact dissipate. It won’t be this Friday and probably not throughout this weekend either.

In a sign that the willingness to reach an understanding remains and nothing has been broken, far from it, socialists and post-convergents emphasize that they continue working with the expectation that there will be an agreement that will allow Sánchez to be re-elected as head of the Moncloa. From Junts they convey that there is good will. In the PSOE they explain that they already have “very advanced texts, but not closed”, because there are technical issues, all focused on the future amnesty law, which are “very complex”. and are being analyzed by the respective legal teams.

Throughout the day, one day after the socialists closed an agreement with ERC for the support of the Republicans for Sánchez, there has been an exchange of roles. Talks will continue this afternoon. But the hope that the pact is around the corner, cherished by the PSOE throughout this frenetic week, is being reduced. The post-convergents assure that quantitatively there is little left to close everything, but not qualitatively, in line with the message sent this morning by their general secretary, Jordi Turull, to the members of the party executive. “We have worked hard, we will not leave any soldier stranded. We will not make an amnesty for VIPS,” Turull explained to them.

The socialists, meanwhile, assure that the obstacle is not in who will benefit from the judicial shelving of the ‘procés’. The difficulty in unraveling the agreement, therefore, would not be due, according to this version, to Junts’ alleged insistence on including Laura Borràs or even Jordi Pujol’s family. In fact, they insist that “names” have not been discussed.

“There is a possibility of agreement. “There is progress,” say Sánchez’s collaborators. After conveying that they wanted to seal the understanding as soon as possible to register the amnesty law in Congress this week and hold the investiture debate next week, they now avoid setting a time horizon.

“We don’t put deadlines or pressure on ourselves. There is time until November 27,” they say. If the re-election of the acting president has not taken place that day, new general elections would be automatically called. But neither the PSOE nor Junts consider this hypothesis as the most likely scenario. The pact continues to get closer, just later than expected just a few days ago.
