The PSC prepares to agree at the cost of the crisis in the Government

A river uprooted, gain of fishermen. The saying defines based on what tessitura the PSC devise your strategy to deal with the new election cycle. Before him chronic confrontation between ERC and Junts that puts the Government in check and subjects Catalan politics to a permanent storm, the socialists seek to project that they are the stable alternative. To solve the Rubik’s cube of budgets or to overcome the blockage of the presidency of parliamentto guarantee the extension of the Barcelona-El Prat Airport or to prop up dialogue tableWhether the government breaks or not, it intends to be there Salvador Ilha. Nope he fears that there will be new elections, but he does not believe that they will be convenient now.

The socialists need time to get more advantage over the independentistas. They are clear that this objective goes through pry in the open cracks between ERC and Junys, to make convenience partner sometimes with one and sometimes with the other. Or with both, as happened with the law to defend Catalan at school or to renew expired positions such as those of the CCMA, the Síndic de Greuges or the Sindicatura de Comptes. The point is to be a necessary actor and, if possible in some cases, essential. The general policy debate It will be a good reflection of the socialist plan to gain prominence on the back of the independence disagreements. In fact, for them it has practically become a “question of confidence” a Pere Aragones.

“The ‘president’ has the broken majority. We knew that repeating the coalition with Junts would not work, but we did not expect the deterioration of the relationship to be so fast”, they admit in the socialist machine room. In the event of a possible breakup of the coalition, they assure that their strategy will be “the same “: continue offering support in parallel to the wear and tear that Republicans and postconvergents understand will accumulate. Their strategy requires time for the independence implosion ends up translating into overcoming block dynamics. With the polls on the table, only a new arithmetic that breaks with most of the last years can boost the PSC to the Government. “I’m not in a hurry & rdquor ;, insists Illa when asked about the next elections.

At the moment there are two crucial folders that will mark the legislature and in which the PSC is already positioning itself to have a preponderant role at the expense of the discrepancies between ERC and Junts: the account negotiation from 2023 and the management of interim in the Catalan chamber with the president Laura Borras suspended. Both are of vital importance for the coalition of the Generalitat.

The socialists have launched a campaign to win militants facing the municipal elections

“We are serious & rdquor ;, insists Illa when she offers to support the budgets of the Generalitat. she knows that Aragonese he does not want their support and that the Republicans are itchy that the main opposition party has carved a niche for itself in the agenda of the ‘conseller’ of Economy. He also knows that the ‘comuns’ are the priority negotiators, but that at the same time the PSC is well received by James Giro despite the directive of the ‘president’. They already met on Thursday and have agreed to continue exploring the negotiation.

The relief of Borràs

In the chapter on the situation entrenched by the presidency without functions in Parliament, Illa also tries to get in on the act. He stresses that he doesn’t love himself “take advantage” nor make a profit of a mess that he considers weighs down the institution and that ERC and Junts have to resolve, but at the same time press via letter the independentistas so that they reach a political agreement to replace her. He makes himself available to facilitate it, an offer that further exposes the independence blockade. Although the socialists pointed to the possibility of revoking Borràs by way of article 180 of the Parliament’s regulations, they finally conclude that there are serious legal doubts to apply it in this case. Without a political pact to relieve the president, they admit that the most likely scenario will be that of a provisional ‘sine die’ from which Junts does not intend to move.

The party that leads the opposition interprets that the general policy debate has become a “question of trust” in Aragonès

In recent weeks, the PSC has also raised the possibility of recovering the project of extension of the Barcelona-El Prat Airportprecisely the first great gap that this legislature opened between Aragonès and the ‘vice president’ Jordi Puignero. Junts has never abandoned that aspiration and, at the beginning of the month, the Minister of Transport and Urban Agenda, Rachel Sanchezasked the Government to reconsider its position before a work that raises blisters within CKD and that would distance the ‘commons’ from the budgets.

victory morale

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From the leadership of the PSC they insist that it is not about “to delve into the wound” of division, but of acting “with responsibility & rdquor;. In fact, since he won the Catalan elections but was left without the option of governing, Illa’s guideline has been not to exercise a sterile and bitter opposition like that of Ciutadans in the last legislature. “Building an alternative does not mean opposing everything or being closed to collaborating with the Government,” emphasize the Socialists, who boast of having approved more than 60 measures in the meetings of their ‘Govern alternatiu’. The deeper the independence crisis more centrality they think they win with his hand outstretched every time there is a fire.

The morale of victory has been installed in the headquarters of Pallars street at the blow of polls. So much so that this very week the socialists have launched a campaign to recruit militants with 260 stops spread throughout Catalonia. At the moment they have 12,000 and they hope that they will grow in the face of the municipal elections. The Rose Festival on September 25 in Gavá, where the president is expected to attend Pedro Sanchez, will kick off the long months of pre-campaign. The socialist cane is ready.
