The PSC, on the meeting between Puigdemont and a Putin emissary: "If it is confirmed, it is very serious"

The PSC does not want to pronounce at the moment for “prudence” on the meeting between former president Carles Puigdemont and an emissary of the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, one day before the declaration of independence (DUI) of 2017. But if that meeting took place, as El Periódico has advanced, the Catalan socialists would see it as “very serious”.

“We have no more information than what has been published in the media, but if confirmed it would be very serious“, said the deputy secretary of Organization of the PSC, Lluïsa Moret.

In any case, the socialist leader did not want to go further in the analysis of the meeting between Puigdemont and the former Russian diplomat and businessman Nikolay Sadovnikov, which took place on October 26, 2017 at the Casa dels Canonges, a building attached to the Palau de la Generalitat.

Moret has refused to comment on whether Parliament should investigate possible ties between Puigdemont’s entourage and the Russian government of Vladimir Putin, and he has not wanted to position himself on whether the Prime Minister, Pedro Sánchez, should ask the Generalitat for explanations.

“We don’t want to get ahead of ourselves. we want to have more elements to take a position. What we are doing is trying to understand the situation better and have more evidence. But if it is confirmed, it is a serious fact,” Moret insisted.
