The PSC is proud to have promoted Catalan in Congress and in Europe

The PSC continues to cultivate, with the help of the Rafael Campalans Foundation, its ‘think tank’, the ground to challenge the Generalitat to Pere Aragones with an alternative government program. This time, the folder up for debate has been language, a subject in which Salvador Illa has taken the opportunity to take advantage of having consolidated the use of Catalan in the legislature that opens in Congress and boost your officialdom in Europe, although in both scenarios the driving force has been pacts with the independence movement that have made possible the investiture of Pedro Sanchez.

The leader of the Catalan socialists has sought to project his formation as the mortar among those whom he accuses of trying to “ideologize” Catalan, a circumstance that the PSC diagnoses has been promoted among the blocks during the decade marked by the ‘procés’ and that, in its opinion, represents doing a disservice to the language. Its use or that of Spanish, he has summarized, should not be a “predictor” of political preference of the citizen.

Neither “impositions” nor “alarmism”

Illa has defended that her party has acted responsibly with this issue forming part of the agreement, together with ERC, Junts and Comuns, to approve the law on official languages ​​in schools to try to overcome the Spanish percentages taxes from the courts and reaching out to the Government to participate in the National Pact for Catalonia. He immersion model with Catalan as the vehicular language was one of the hot debates at the congress that the PSC held in December 2019, just when Ciutadans, which years ago had managed to challenge the PP in the battle against the linguistic educational system in Catalonia, went into free fall .

The ‘first secretary’ has maintained that Catalan is and should be the “center of gravity” both in school and in the policies promoted by the institutions, but always on the basis of “consensus” and fleeing from “impositions”. “You have to move towards the invitation so as not to generate attitudes of rejection,” she defended. The x-ray of it is that there is no need to generate “alarmism” with the health of the language with apocalyptic speeches about its disappearance, but we must understand that the changes in the audiovisual field force us to do “more and different things.”

Squeeze self-government

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The mistake that those who point in that direction make, he stressed, is that of “outsource responsibilities” placing itself in the permanent complaint and not asking enough “what can be done and what has been done” from the powers held by the Generalitat. It is at this point, at squeeze self-governmentin which he has tried to project his party against the “inaction” that he blames on multiple fronts on the Government of Aragonès.

The debate organized by the PSC has featured different positions in a round table in which the former Minister of Education participated. Joan Manuel Del Pozothe director of CATESCO – which promotes Catalan within UNESCO – and member of the board of Òmnium, Marina Gay; Albert Branchadell, professor of Sociolinguistics at the UAB and member of the expert committee of the European Charter of Regional or Minority Languages; and Marina Lopezcommunication student and contributing editor of
