The province also objects to the controversial residential tower on the border of Huizen

Opposition to the arrival of the residential tower on the border of Huizen and Naarden is still increasing: the province of North Holland will also object to the controversial residential tower. The provincial government has announced this after Provincial Council questions from the VVD and the ChristenUnie.

On the left the Huizer Driftweg, on the far right the territory of Gooise Meren where the residential tower is to be built. In the middle: the well-known ‘war villa’ ‘t Hooge Nest. – NH News / Sjoerd Stoop

The main argument of the objectors so far is that the construction of the approximately forty meters high residential tower does not comply with the applicable zoning plan. The province also shares this view. “We believe that the construction plan is in conflict with the zoning plan,” the answer to the questions sounds clear-cut.

In addition, according to the province, the current zoning plan also does not provide clarity in many areas about what is and is not allowed, without it being clear in so many words in the answer what exactly is missing.

Plan must comply with rules

Because, according to the province, the plan does not comply with the zoning plan, it is seen as a ‘new activity’. This means that the plan must again comply with all kinds of rules, including the strict nature rules of Natuurnetwerk Nederland (NNN), which includes the nature reserve.

The Provincial Executive announces that it will object to the green light that the municipality of Gooise Meren previously gave for the much-discussed building plan by granting an environmental permit.

The residential tower has therefore been causing resistance for some time, see why in one minute:

A residential tower should be built on the border of Huizen and Naarden: that’s how it is – NH Nieuws

More objections

The objection to be expected from the province of Noord-Holland is anything but the first. Earlier, the municipality of Huizen, the local residents of the Naardereng Foundation and nature conservationists such as the Vrienden van ‘t Gooi and the Stichting Behoud Gooise Heide and the Goois Nature Reserve had already objected to the plan.

The deadline to appeal is this week. The objections committee of the municipality of Gooise Meren will then examine all objections. It has already been established that some objectors have already indicated that they are also prepared to go to the Council of State afterwards and do everything to stop the construction plan.

Residents of the Huizer Driftweg and the conservationists of the Vrienden van ‘t Gooi and the Naardereng foundation have objected to the arrival of the residential tower for much longer. They argue that the plan does not fit in with the adjacent protected nature and above all it ruins their view.

A lot of traffic will also pass through the neighborhood towards the new houses, including the many construction traffic. It also hurts them that they only heard about the plans late: it fell a year and a half ago raw on their roof† The province has now also announced that it has not previously been involved or approached about the process.
